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My final thoughts on AI art

So i've been debating for a while if i should make this journal or not, it's a sore debate for many and i can completely understand why, however, one have to look realistically at it too.

I don't think AI art is going to go away no matter how much artists and other scream about it, no matter how bad you think it is there's still more that don't care and only want fap content, if it looks good or not they don't care.
Inkbunny should separate AI from real art, i think that would be the best for this website and for the artists that rely on commissions for a living.
What i find a shame is that it will be harder for artists to make a living on art alone, some will get by perfectly fine while others will fail completely, which is a shame because there are already so many awesome artists that struggle as it is.
In the end i think that some artists will be able to make a career with art but most will have to be content only having art as a hobby and will be lucky if they blow up and make a living of the art.


I read someone on twitter who complained a while ago that AI shouldn't be allowed in creative mediums and only in work we hate, not realizing that although he hates physical labor most of us don't, i love the work i do and i have the fear of AI and automation taking my job, the way i make a living. So although i don't like AI art personally i will quote journalists when coal miners lost their jobs: "Learn to code". I will always commission non-AI art but that's just a preference of mine but do understand that, for anyone with the mindset of seeing themselves better than those with a non-creative job, i have no sympathy for you.


Also when it comes to my characters in art, I personally will only commission Traditional and Digital art made by an artists who drew the art themselves. HOWEVER if people want to use my characters in AI as a gift i have no qualms about that.
Viewed: 126 times
Added: 2 months ago
2 months ago
Yeah thats fair assesment. I am happy to draw and make others happy and such though i can only hate AI art so much. Its like everything else in the digital world it gets shared it gets posted and no matter what you have to deal with it. Think of artists that make patreon posts and you can find it on e621 from time to time. Yeah its annoying but can't be helped and I don't think AI will ever stop being used. I can see how some that can't draw will use it to make what their idea is if they don't have the money, but I disagree to just go to AI if you, as an artist, can't come up with any ideas and just make stuff cause you don't want to.

Arting is a constant struggle and I am proud to have gone through plenty to get where I am. I won't hate a person using AI, but I just say you have the talent to draw then take time to come up with something fun even if its a guy riding a bicycle.

Hope this makes sense as I was writing this on impulse lol
2 months ago
Completely agree, although we would like everything to go our way it never does and you always fight against people who don't care at all, just have to do what you find fun and enjoyable no matter what.
2 months ago
Yeah! I'm happy to draw, but I am slow but that hasn't stopped me from putting out good work. I will say some AI art has a nice coloring effect i wanna try but im bad at the understand on ambient lighting.
2 months ago
Slow or not, getting it done and improving is always better than giving up! Well if you put in enough time you can learn the coloring effect as well.
2 months ago
2 months ago
Well, you can always go to your account, go to the Add keywords to block and then just add AI to the keywords to block it. So you don't have to see AI then. Not being mean here. Just saying there is ways to Filter Out stuff you Do NOT want to see.
2 months ago
Absolutely, it's easy to do that but it seems most people here don't and then doom about AI going up on the popular section.
Personally i don't care enough about AI to block it, i don't mind it appearing.
2 months ago
and that is the problem right there. People complaining, but don't DO anything to stop seeing it themselves. So it just means THEY LIKE IT then. But just want to Complain and cause problems and be Trolls. When there is a easy solution for them to Not be able to SEE IT anymore.
2 months ago
These people wouldn't have anything interesting happen if they can't have something to be annoyed about so they don't block keywords. They are very unreasonable like that, it's the reason many people not into cub don't use this site lol.
2 months ago
Even though blocking is a thing, I absolutely think it should be a separate section for the sake of organization. Similar to how e6ai exists. It would also make moderating easier because then people who fail to tag can't sneak in AI as easily. The problem is that the site is a little... Wonky for it, and it'd cost more to have a different site entirely for it. The admins have been told about this multiple times, and I'm sure they're weighing ideas over time. They're already doing good keeping it from getting monetized.
2 months ago
I honestly love some of the AI art i have seen here! and having tried it myself, i know its NOT easy to create the art they have with AI.
That being said, I still do not feel comfortable commissioning an "AI artist" for a custom art, simply because it is still not a creation of something from scratch, as well as the very idea of AI taking the job of a truly skilled artist. Especially considering those very same artists are essentially the ones that created the AI that generates the images. its one thing to have a similar "style" between artists, but to take actual elements of existing art to essentially create a mashup, just doesnt seem right...
2 months ago
AI produced images should not be in the same places as drawn art.  It should have it's own separate sites.
E6 has it's own AI counterpart promptly named E6AI . net

I get that AI art is fun for those who create it, but it should be kept to private servers or in appropriate sites.
2 months ago
I don't have anything against "AI" in general (though I wish they would quit using that as a marketing gimmick.  It's NOT intelligent, so it's not really "AI"!)
But yeah, there are so many applications where it could actually be extremely useful and beneficial.

But as I said, it's not intelligent, it can't think, it can't understand stuff, it has no imagination.  So why are they using it in fields like art that require at least some degree of imagination?!  THAT'S what ticks me off.
Use it in fields that it could actually be very helpful in, and I'll applaud your efforts.  But using it in art earns only my utter contempt.

(Especially as I have a very good artist friend on another site who's a victim of the "AI Witch-hunts", where people want to hurt an artist's reputation, so they accuse them repeatedly of using "AI" in their work.  I've seen her stream videos of her working process, so I KNOW for a fact she's not using it.  She doesn't need to anyway, she's way too talented.  Correcting all the mistakes it makes would be more likely to hinder her than help!  But, the average internet user is stupid enough to believe that, just because "someone on the internet said it enough times, so it must be true" - just like the way political campaigning works!  So, yeah, "AI" in art is definitely a sore topic with me.  But, "AI" in general could be useful if they actually used it for useful things.  But they're not, they're gonna use it for whatever makes them money, and art theft is big business especially if you can make it legal!)
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