Hello, everyone. First of all, sorry about the long text. I’m a writer, what can I do? Hehe.
2024: It was personally tiring, kinda stressful, but it was also good at some points. I want to thank you all for your patience and for reading my works. Your support makes me want to continue. Asante. :) I could finally post the end of Unending Love and start something new and exclusive for my patrons and subscribers.
2025: It’ll still be very tiring and stressful at least until summer, but it’s for a good reason. I joined a course for script writers, which means my free time is currently very limited. Plus, I’ll have to write a script as the course’s final project. But I’ll keep writing for you guys as much as I can as I have a few ideas. After the end of the course, I’ll hopefully have more time to create more stories for you. Like I said, I have a few ideas. I hope my life will change for the better and I’ll start feeling mentally more stable.
FUTURE WORKS: Since my free time is very short until summer, I’ve decided to only write short stories. I’ll publish them for my patrons/subscribers. I’m not sure about making them public later yet. But if I’ll do that, I’ll start doing it with a bigger waiting time. And later, after I finish the course, and if I get enough time, which I hope, I’ll continue Maalum’s canon universe as well.
Meanwhile, let me remind you that I have a discord server that you can join to meet other fans and discuss opinions, ideas or just talking. You can also have access to my works, depending if you’re a patron, subscriber or just a fan. Join us: https://discord.gg/9MdBBEch
Now, I want to wish you a very happy 2025. I hope you can make your dreams come true. Meanwhile, be happy and healthy and remember: WE ARE ONE.