I come to check my page for notices before going to bed, and I find I have reached my 1,000th view....wow um....I guess I'm writing a journal now lol
I never envisioned anybody really caring about my drawings, particularly due to me...well...sucking at it to start. From the very beginning, my page has not been about showcasing my preexisting talents, because quite frankly, I didn't have any---rather, it has been about my journey. It is about someone who, before that one Corey sketch he decided to whip up and throw out there, had literally zero experience at all making anthro characters. It isn't just a gallery, it is its own story.
My art journey began here, and you can bet your sweet asses it's going to continue here. There are things early on that I am no longer proud of in terms of quality, but there are some that withstood the test of time. Even more important than that, though, are the things I have achieved in the present. Sure, there are still some kinks that need to be worked out (COUGH PROPORTIONS) but I could not be more proud of how far I've come. Much better expressions, better shading/color, comic strips with dialogue, character dynamics, characters on backgrounds, hell, animation! I may not be the best out there, not by a country mile, but if I am making this much improvement for myself this soon, while also making people happy, who am I to complain?
for the sheer magnitude of support and wisdom they gave me throughout all of this. If it wasn't for you, I highly doubt I would even be at 100 right now. I have said it to you a million times, but that's because 999,999 times doesn't do it justice--thank you so much.
Most of all though, thank all of you, the viewers, for stopping by. Whether you are just a passerby who peaked at one thing, or an avid watcher who anticipates something of mine, I am incredibly thankful for your time and appreciation.
Really? You have been a solid guide in the 3 months I've been at it, so that comes off as somewhat surprising lol. You are very welcome though--I receive for a very good reason.
Likely gonna do something tonight too...perhaps try someone other than the core 3 my page has consisted of so far.
After all, I gotta do something to occupy myself while I wait for the Empire State to go through reverse puberty
Really? You have been a solid guide in the 3 months I've been at it, so that comes off as somewhat s