What's on my mind? Looking over several art sights I am with for posting my artwork I am finding the general grumps and complaints from furry artists on commissions and originality to be very, very tiresome. Simply put, if you want originality offer to do commission art for free and stipulate no porn. Now you to be very creative to keep you artwork entertaining, engaging and appealing. You get an influx and a range of characters and subjects to practice drawing on. You can manage your time on the commissions very easily. It's free! They get the art when you get it done after you deal with your life. Lastly, improve your social skills, pick up a trade skill and get a real job. Even professional artists have real jobs and don't live solely on their artwork sales alone. So, after you've done a few years of drawing art commissions (furry art or non-furry art) for free just to see people happy and to broaden your horizons and talents, then you might be allowed a little grumble. Arts about creativity not $$ signs.
An Artist Who Cares
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12 years, 5 months ago
29 Sep 2012 04:12 CEST