As a reminder to everyone who has indicated interest in being involved, or is curious about this event:
The holiday event Stocking Stuffer 2024 begins tomorrow, December 22nd, and runs until midnight CST on December 28th, 2024.
During this timeframe, if you choose to upload any visual art, music, stories/poetry, or anything else of a kinky nature to Furaffinity, SoFurry, Deviantart, Weasyl, Inkbunny, or any other website that hosts creative furry fiction of any variety, you can opt to make it part of the Stocking Stuffer 2024 event by doing the following:
1) Add the tag StockingStuffer2024 to your upload.
2) In the description, mention that this piece is part of the Stocking Stuffer 2024 event and (optionally) link back to the Stocking Stuffer 2024 Announcement journal ( so anyone who sees your upload can learn about the event.
3) Designate if your upload is something you'd consider "Naughty" or "Nice" in your description. As a general rule: "Naughty" Stocking Stuffers focus more on non-consensual themes or subject matter, or things that have a less happy or upbeat plot and/or ending. "Nice" Stocking Stuffers focus more on consensual themes or subject matter, or plots that are more upbeat and/or silly, but no less kinky.
4) Finally, notify me (Preferably via Furaffinity/Sofurry/Inkbunny PM but you can also contact me via Telegram or Discord, or email me at of your submission and provide a link to it so I can add it to the Master List of updates.
There is no requirement that your story or art be holiday themed, but if you wish to do so, feel free! :)
Each day (Usually towards the end of the day) I will compile a total list of every Stocking Stuffer upload that I've been informed about, and ad it to a Master List that I will update Daily on my Furaffinity and SoFurry Journal updates. If you choose to upload something as part of the event, the Master List where you first Upload something will also include a Shout-Out to you, promoting your online presence, be it a Patreon/Subscribestar of yours, your Kofi Page, or just your private writings/art you want people to see, as well as expressing my pleasure and gratitude that you joined in.
The Master List will also have it's own silly little story of sorts going on, because I find that amusing and fun. There may even be a secret hidden somewhere in the Master Lists I put online somewhere talking about something future I've got in mind! We'll see! I love doing Alternate Reality Game stuff like that!
Anyways, if you're reading this, thanks so much for being someone who has taken an interest, and I hope to see you soon!