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Free For All Story Idea Voting!

It's (arbitrarily) time for my annual occasional Free For All Story Idea Voting!

Every month, my supporters (both direct and SubscribeStar) get to vote on which story idea I'll write next month.

But just this once, I'm opening up a special vote for everyone! (And when the voting closes, I'll write the winning idea in addition to my usual monthly story.) So if you want to get a taste of bossing me around like one of my supporters, this is your (very rare) chance! ^.^

The story ideas include both Furry ideas (to be posted on Inkbunny and maybe SoFurry) and Pony ideas (to be posted on Fimfiction), marked with a [F] or a [P], respectively. And, warning -- they're all very NSFW!
(Oh, and if you want to steal any ... be my guest! Obviously, I've got plenty to go around. I'd very much appreciate a link giving credit and a PM to tell me about it if you do!)

Voting is open NOW, and will remain open until Dec 31st, when I'll announce which story idea won and get started writing it. I'll write it (or at least get started on it, if it's multi-chapter) in January.
Vote Here
Voting will close on Dec 31st.
Viewed: 75 times
Added: 3 months, 1 week ago
3 months, 1 week ago
3 months, 1 week ago
Got 116 new stories for you over there, if you don't mind ponies! ^.^
3 months ago
that's fine hehe I'm a brony -snickers-
3 months ago
dang I need a login to read
3 months ago
I think you technically don't?

1: On the main page, look for "Settings" in the top bar. Click on it, and then turn the "Show Mature" or "View Mature" setting on. (This doesn't require a login.)

2: Go to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/112978/dirty+little+sec... and all my MLP stories should be there.


Definitely would recommend making a login, though. That way you can comment on stories and easily keep track of which ones you have and haven't read, etc.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
hmm lets see -pokes at web site for a bit- oh.. oooohhhhh..... -closes door and commences the clopping-
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Heh, 116 stories should be enough to keep you busy for a while!
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I checked out your stories hehe and got to say my fave was Coupons hehe any chance you'll do more chapters for that one?
1 month, 1 week ago
Not particularly likely, but if my supporters asked for it...
1 month, 1 week ago
hehehe I see what you did there... but sadly I can't
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