So I just learned about a AI driven turn based battle game called GUG which allows you to mutate your GUGs into different forms between battles based on words or names you enter which are then used by a AI to generate the new form and boy so I see some law suits coming for this one. An example was I entered "Hellraiser Cenobites" and the GUG mutated into a cube with eyes which summoned random Cenobites to the field when it entered battle and the ones it summons have the names from the movie (pinhead, butterball, ect.). I tried "Marvel's Wolverine" and got a GUG that regenerated and got stronger from damage. You can put in the names of famous people, specific powers, concepts, slogans, movie titles, ect and it will make a GUG for you based on that. After you've beaten the demo a couple times it unlocks the mode in the main menu that allows you to try word combinations and stuff without actually playing the game to see what it generates and then you can type the same thing when you play it to pop up the GUG you made to play with. The foes keep changing every run through and I don't know if its pulling them from other players or what but every new one I make or it imports gets added to a growing list in the main menu you can scroll through, looking at every thing you've made or seen. I know some of you will get a laugh out of this but I tried "donald trump" and it game me a orange GUG with the power to taunt foes and some other power I forgot now.
Keep in mine this is a demo and the game isn't planned to be released till next year at some point and I don't know how actively they update it. It still has some bugs as I've found such as if you use "leech" for a term it locks the game up and "game hacker" makes a GUG that should be able to hack the game but seems to make the game no longer function at the beginning of the fight (unresponsive). I also had it crash to desktop once while playing but other wise haven't had problems. One odd part is buffs and debuffs seem to stay with your GUGS from fight to fight and some were buffing instead of debuffing so I ended up with super OP characters. Also, be careful what you wish for because the AI will some times give it to you, such as when I asked for "end of days" and the GUG I made killed every thing on the field including my GUGS. I also ran into a enemy GUG who wiped my GUGs off the field in one round and some other instant death types. Also had my stats debuffed permanently into the negatives so I couldn't do damage any more.
FYI - if you want to be pretty much untouchable, mutate your first GUG with "defender" and he'll make all of the others on your team invulnerable to damage permanently including himself.
Let me know if any of you try it and what you think or what crazy GUGs you made.
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