A race of diminutive, befurred humanoids that live within the mostly uninhabitable craters of the Cinderlands and the Shattered Badlands in the southern continent of Tsaeroc. Unlike the surrounding dry lands, these craters are filled with lush, vibrant jungle. However, they are also filled with enormous, monstrous creatures found nowhere else in Orethell. These creatures are incredibly dangerous and no people have been able to settle within these craters. That is, no one but the Garlese have.
As the humans conquered and settled most of Tsearoc throughout history, they were never able to even reach Garlese lands due to the monsters that surround them. The only time man has ever seen a Garlese is one that happens to venture outward into the world. However, considering their extreme isolation, many of them cannot speak the common tongue, and struggle with a thick accent, and use only the most basic of words. Most Garlese also speak in the third person.
The most notable features of the Garlese are their short stature, standing at about 2 feet 9 inches at maturity. Their fur colors range from blue, purple, or red, and sometimes very rarely white. They have enormous prehensile ears and a snubby snout. They have a very thin frame with wiry arms and digitigrade legs.
From the few that have ventured out in the world, man has learned little of their society. They tell stories of using ancient magic obelisks to ward their cities from the rampant monsters and of large towering stone cities, filled to the brim with Garlese citizenry. Some Garlese tell outsiders that they live in tandem with the nightmarish creatures, while others say they do all they can do to ward off the creatures. Depending on who you ask, they either dominate the wilds within the craters, or are constantly fighting for survival. For many, the Garlese are a true enigma and many don’t even know they exist.