Requests: -more art of certain characters, more kinks or new ones, more gore, memes to draw over etc -only with my own characters (their names are in the Pools) or with anons -the more you describe it, the better ("navel torture" vs "forced outie navel with 3 needles in it") -more picky with the fetishes; check the kink jars and previous art to see what I'm into -the quality of the art will vary depending on my mood (sketched, flat color, shaded etc) -Comment here or DM me. I won't tag you in the description
Commissions: -with your characters, might also do fan art (depends on the fandom) -more lenient on the fetishes, even if personally I'm not into them; I made a f-list as an orientative list for things I will or will not draw: - $40 per character, fully rendered (shaded + edge lights - my main style) - +$10 to paint it (for simple designs only) - -$10 for sfw commissions (no nudity/porn) -no backgrounds unless I feel like I can do it (no extra tax as it's my choice) -DM me. I will give you my PayPal address after accepting it. I will ask you for permission to post it on my account