Let's see if I can NOT type a whole novel for once! :D
I desperately need to make money for rent and to hopefully have at least a bit of spending money for MFF. I've not had any steady income in over a year & have been struggling to get by with occasional eBay sales, selling things I didn't necessarily want to sell, and odd job work for my ex-boss and her husband. I still owe some past commissions which I am determined to finish this week.
If anyone would like a colored pencil badge for MFF (or even if you're not going to MFF), I'm going to open up for those. I always prefer payment AFTER I complete the badge or half up front and half after if you'd prefer to do that. I charge $100-120 for full body colored pencil badges and they come out looking like these:
They are generally about 8" tall by 3.5-4" wide depending on the pose. I have plenty of YCH sketches started so I'll get those posted soon. Or you're welcome to message me and I can send more examples through Telegram.** If you're looking for something in a lower price range, I can do sketchier bust badges for $50-60 (depending on character complexity). All of them are cut out, laminated and come with a badge clip.
I also have some things that I'm trying to sell if anyone has interest. One being a lot of 32 issues of Bondage Fairies comics that my ex got at AC. I had them listed on eBay but they got removed (even though there are many other listings for them that have sold for a considerable amount of money). Besides those, I have Legos, a large retro game collection (Dreamcast, PS2, PS3, GC and some even older stuff like Genesis 1, 2 and SNES), tons of modern board games, cute anime figures, etc.
Feel free to comment or note me if you'd like more details on anything. I also setup a Ko-fi account if anyone would like to help support my artistic endeavors that way -> https://ko-fi.com/jamthecat