Hello everyone, I just would like to apologize for lack of updates on this page and not replying back to anyone trying to message me either here or on discord. Been going through a whole lot this year and recently I just lost someone I declared as my first child. My cat Cheeto, who I’ve had for 22 years recently was laid to rest and I was just heartbroken for a good while. I’ve had that cat for more than half my life and just felt like not talking to anyone being afraid of snapping at someone And saying something that might be hurtful that will damage or even destroy friendship. I hate it when people tell me that it was just a pet but for me he was my buddy who got me through hard and depressing times with my Blood parents, Comfort me whenever I fell down or depressed on life, ate and slept with me but Most important this cat I raise myself and by my side as if he was my first child.
It hurts so much that he’s gone, but now I’m thinking of all the good and positive things that we did together that makes me happy. Especially the day that he first came into my life and when he met my kids for a very first time, Wanting to stay close to them as if he wanted to protect them. That moment with my cat and kids stay with me Forever. I have customers and friends that offer me kittens that remind me of Cheeto, but at this time, I just can’t take another cat in right now. Maybe one day in the future but not right now. I still have my two other cats, but Cheeto was the one closest to my heart.
I love you buddy and I miss you.
Goodbye my precious Cheeto!
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4 months ago
21 Nov 2024 23:17 CET