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Romantic, Nostalgic museings

Just a... weird thoughts journal. If your just here for the art feel free to check out now XD otherwise if you want to listen to my weird rambling's I invite you continue. Im going to talk briefly about my very first Favorite "romance" from any story or media that I enjoyed as a child.

I want to talk about Record of Lodoss War.

Now some of you know what that is and know exactly were I am going with this but for those of you who dont a little background...

Once upon a time there was this table top role playing game called Dungeons and Dragons... yeah yeah i know it's becomes a HUGE deal now a days with 5th edition but way back when it was not mainstream it some some nerd game about elves and wizards and shit and cool kids didn't play it, they were to busy playing SPORTS BALL and doing drugs.

Anyway I grew up loving fantasy so I found myself very attracted to Anime as a child but way back then there was very little anime in the United states it just had not caught on yet.. one of the very first ones I got to truly fall in love with however was record of Lodoss war.

Record of lodoss war was a story that had a LOT in common with Dungeons and Dragons and as such a lot in common with old school fantasy and theres a very real reason behind this...Record of Lodoss war takes place in a world setting created by the original athor of the novels and Manga the anime was based on wich were written about charicters... in his personal D&D game...

Once upon a time somebody actually PLAYED as Parn, and Deedlit, and Slayn ect wich is just  a fact that I as a D&D player find endlessing awesome.

now that all that is out of the way I wanna talk about the relationship between Parn and Deedlit.

It has to be one of the most... simple and yet absolutely PURE relationships ive seen in media... they start fo as friends with Deedlit even playfuly teaseing or bully Parn at the beginning of there journey but as they grow as charicters they end up falling in love....

Not hot and heavy lusty love but deep pure, Romantic love, not even Mushy stuff either just...a perfect understanding that this person is your everything... wich is amazing and was soemthing that was very well done considering that back then japan was MUCH more about metaphores and so on and allmost victorian about showing relationships outside of hentai.

But here is the sad part... Parn is a Human and Deedlit is a High Elf.

So unfortunatly...there relationship consistes of a few, precious years of peace....untill Parn Dies. And Deedlit, completly unchanged by time, Has to bury him, and keep vigil over his grave...and the graves of there friends and comrades who helped her save Lodoss., who fought the ressrection of a Dark Godess and a Mad wizard to save her.

And if that wasnt bad enough... Deedlit being a High Elf if very significant you see, Normal Elves in this setting Live for a long LONG time at least 500 years but High Elves... High Elves are Immortal....she will never die of age or illness only accident or Death in battle will claim her. Whats more... the High Elves being as close to the spirit world as they are, Do not useualy experiance Love, or even Lust...it is Exceedingly rare, Deedlit is the First High elf to be Born in 800 years at the time of her birth, and at the time of Parns Death about 200 or so years after her birth give or day a few years, she is STILL the last of the High Elves to be Born.

it's incredibly unlikely she will ever love another. It's really quite sad...so she commits his life to song to preserve the memory.

Unfortunately there fertility rate is also almost near 0 so Dispite being deeply in love Deedlit was never blessed with a child, and while half elves Exist in this setting there has never been a half elf born that was half High elf so it might not even have been possible.

SO why am I talking about all this?

I donno because I just finished a  really good if sadly short medtrodvania based on Deedlit it's on steam go play it XD Deedlit in wonder Lanyrinth is short but fantastic...

but ive allways loved this setting and this anime story and Deedlit was my first anime Crush XD Yes I know I have Incredible taste ~_^

But there love was so perfect and beautiful, it lives on in her memory wich is...really sweet.

But it gets me thinking this is something that honestly is presented all the time in fantasy but we hardly ever see the after effects of it...It reminds me of Arwin and Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings but at least there Arwin is blessed with children so shes not alone...and Arwins time in middle earth is not forever she does eventually leave.

Deedlit does not...she continues on she has to...shes even in danger of slipping into an Eternal Sleep this can happen to high elves who become to lonely for to long.

Im rambling sorry XD I did warn you this was going to be a Mess of my thoughts...anyway I guess what I want to say is, living so much longer then your true love is not something that is often tackled in media. Sometimes I wish we had more of it.

I also really miss that classic fantasy feel modern anime just doesn't have it :(

Anyway if any fo you want to enjoy a Classic Anime Experiance GO watch Record of Lodoss war you can see it all over it's an absolute classic, and if you like Metroidvanias give wonder labyrinth a shot.

Stories like this..characters like Parn and Deedlit... there the ones who made me believe in true love, allmost like the concept of Courtly love from Arthurian myth.

Anyway thats it for my weird brain rambleings... I might delete this later...
Viewed: 161 times
Added: 2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago
You gotta leave a shout on my page with the name of the anime QUOTED if you're really gonna delete this Journal then :3.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Thanks ❤️
2 months, 3 weeks ago
RolW is a anime I have seen too, it to does remind one of D&D, if I remmber correctly there are some plot holes and twits in the anime, that don't corresponds with the manga, the manga is a bit more detailed and goes even deeper into the story. But nevertheless it's still a nice anime even if it is out of date on the style
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Still a staple I love to binge watch when I need a classic
2 months, 3 weeks ago
The best love story in a movie from my childhood would be the opening of Up. No one could've expected a film about a balloon-lifted house to start with something that breaks your heart.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh jeez...thanks for reopening that wound XD that was such a beautiful example of visual story telling. We got there whole lives in speechless animation and it only took seconds for Pixar to make us fall completely in love...then rip it away DX
2 months, 3 weeks ago
D&d games are such a great inspiration for storytelling. They really are built up within the right framework for a true adventure to play out with all the trimmings, and parties that grow close or even get involved romantically make for an incredible experience. Having a d&d group that is down for that and open/comfortable enough with one another to let those stories play out is a goddamned miracle too lol.

I've often thought about writing about some of my d&d games even though it's kind of off brand for my usual stories. <3

I'm not the hugest anime fan(at least for classical anime, it's just a little slow for my tastes/amount of time I have to invest) but ROLW is on the list now dango. Hahah. Thanks for the recommendation.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Its an older anime it doesn't have over the top battles it tells its story through charicter drama suspense and stakes but I very much love it. As a d&d fan you will notice the inspiration imidiatly.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
I'll have to try and check it out. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is another in that vein I've been trying to get to!
2 months, 3 weeks ago
I've been thinking a little about immortality lately and the terror of large numbers. Not like, I lived a 1,000 years, or I lived a 1,000,000 years, but numbers so large that they might accidentally contain the entire history of every atom in the universe by sheer happenstance. Like, what happens to the poor soul that must live a life equal to the busy beaver function of a 1,000 years? Does years or seconds even matter at that point? They're numbers so large, they're like some ancient olde one of Lovecraftian Lore, the number itself is almost "non-number like" from it's sheer scope and size and yet, it's still small compared to infinity. An eternal sleep is the only thing our minds can think of because it's a length of time that seems capable of turning our very souls into dust, we just don't exist in a format that can make sense relative to such time scales and so we shut it off and close our eyes, thinking that it can't see us if we can't see it O_O. Not that we could ever see it, our brains would explode before we even touched the shores of such vast numbers, turned to goo. We could not even traverse the first hill in it's seemingly endless expanse.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
A phobia of large numbers O_O. I wonder if that's a thing.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
Arithmaphobia is a fear of number but it can include or be exclusive to spasific numbers a fear of very large numbers would fall under this as perhaps might a fear of time
2 months, 3 weeks ago
After a serten point you would stop marking time by the passage of years...and unless something happened to change the way the human mind perceives time, you would stop remembering in days and weeks and start remembering in basicly just the highlight reel of years decades or centurys.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
All of which become... nothing O_O. No scale we can fathom can compare to it, no ruler is worthy to measure. You don't just have memories, but you count the countless times the universe has been in the exact same configuration and every possible variation.You've seen the sun explode in every single way possible, so many times you couldn't hope to count, and yet... you will keep doing it all again and again and again. *Shivers* MEEEEEP!
2 months, 3 weeks ago
apeirophobia, fear of Eternity, endlessness, boundlessness
2 months, 3 weeks ago
I've been diagnosed. :P
2 months, 3 weeks ago
i'll send you my bill =p
2 months, 3 weeks ago
I think it's really cool you did this. Art is great but the artists are great too. Thanks for the glimpse into your brain
2 months, 3 weeks ago
well I'm no artist but i appreciate that.
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