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Fandom and politics

When I join the furry fandom back in the late '90s, furries were still mostly outcasts. We were picked on, seen his nerds and Weirdos and things of that nature. But one of the nice things about that time is people could be of all political stripes, and nobody gave a shit. People didn't talk politics, they talked furry stuff. Art, porn.. I mean art, animations that were furry and we'd watch them. Heck play some Dance Dance Revolution for the hell of it. The meetings used to be very cozy and comfortable and we knew each other. Especially locally.

So what the fuck happened? I can tell you the reality is furries are humans. And as the furry fandom has become more accepted, and has grown quite large, more base human actions have invaded it. It has become more fractured. It's way more cliquey than back in the early 2000s.

Don't for a _minute_ think I'm saying only one side. I see it from both sides of the spectrum, only I see it worse from the conservatives.
See, I was a conservative growing up. The Rush Limbaugh era, the rise of the neoconservative. All that, is where this divide really started to form. The contract with america, the no compromise of the new conservatives. Compromise is how our country works. Nobody gets everything they want. They work towards common goals, and it makes things move.

So this identity politics has invaded the furry fandom. There are people here with Trump user icons. Why the fuck do they have Trump user icons? He's not a furry, he's a goddamn Cheeto.

I could try to plead for you guys to get it back out of the fandom, but it's entrenched now. Unfortunately to me, this is one of the reasons I've been stepping away from the fandom. Why I don't really attend cons anymore, why don't attend local meetings. Because this stupid politics has invaded at all. This stupid I'm better than you attitude has invaded it all. The stupid judgmentalism has invaded at all.

I'm a genuine Gray muzzle. I've seen a lot in this fandom. And in a lot of ways, I weep for the fandom. Because now, our little Community is no longer a community.

This is the ranting chee, and that's all I've got to say about that.
Viewed: 26 times
Added: 3 months, 2 weeks ago
3 months, 2 weeks ago
I got cancelled and excommunicated meaning I can't meet anyone at any public furry gathering and I can't make money from either the career I went to uni for or from my drawing and animation skills.

Basically, I have a lot of free time on my hands now. xD

Everyone acted like cancelling me was going to end my life and they'd never hear from me ever again just because they got all my socials banned except this one~ :3
3 months, 2 weeks ago
So what did you do that they banned you? They just don't go Banning people because of their political viewpoints. Generally people are banned because they did something that was very socially wrong. I'm not buying the victim complex.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
I found out after I got my FA permaban (no previous bans) for "not a good fit for the community" that the same ban-reason was used for everyone who supported Trump, or didn't hate him enough, in the 2016 election.

This was after 10 years of being an artist on FA, and having it as my only art gallery at the time.

I drew a MAGA hat on my fursona.  I also talked about how my career would end if there was a "vaccine" mandate and said I wouldn't take it if they tried to mandate it.  I was banned from FA in the 2nd week of August, 2021 and Biden/Harris' "vaccine" mandate ended my career a few months later.  They never gave any reason and refused to elaborate. :P
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Oh never mind my addendum then. This goes to what I said before: your freedom of speech does not extend to private websites. As I made in my post they can ban you for saying you wear red shoes. And they don't have to give you a reason. You may want one, you may feel like you're entitled to one, but they don't have to. That's just reality. It is a private site, owned by people not the government. Dealers of the site obviously had a problem with it. I will say I think they went overboard, but then again Trump is very divisive political figure. I have whore the man. I stopped following Rory raccoon because of what he was saying. Well in the whole Banning me because he didn't like what I said.

It's all supposed to I say when the right complains about being censored and canceled, and yet Rory did it to me. Rules rules for thee but not for thine.  

Using the right place in Freedom of expression? Freedom of speech? Like Banning schools from teaching about lgbtq people? Like we don't exist? Book banning? These are things the right does. So tell me how these are not censorship.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
It doesn't have to be a public space to be "censorship" - you should know the definition of the word "censorship" before making this out to be some Ben Shapiro debate thing. :P

Also, when a company "goes public" it should be treated like a public space.  It's not, and you know this.

You're admitting I was censored for "private business reasons" but you can also go look at Dragoneer's journals about how Google Ads was issuing him with takedown requests.  Google is a public company with government (public) contracts.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Google is a private company that shares are on the stock exchange. It is owned by people in the public as far as parts of it. It is controlled by the board. It can censor you all at it wants. It is still a private entity. Anything not government is private. You're only covered under government for first amendment. And I never said censoring was only dealing with government. Censoring a censoring, what I'm saying is they have the freedom to censor you on privately owned websites, and you can't do jack shit about it. That is their territory, that is their platform, their rules. Do I think once a company becomes big enough where it's like the primary place where people talk that the first amendment should apply? I've debated that. I see both sides of it but I lean towards yes. But that should have would have could have, whatever you want to call it. The thing is now, at this time, and all-time previously, they are private owned in your First Amendment right doesn't apply. I'm going to keep saying this until you get it.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
" DaddyChee wrote:
Anything not government is private.

They get government contracts, which is PUBLIC money, which means that part is PUBLIC.

They banned Trump's twitter account using the government.

You love censorship.  It's the only way for your ideas to "win."  You cannot create, you can only destroy like a punk! xD
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Why are you even talking to me?  All you're doing is twisting words and phrases.  You're not engaging in an open exchange of ideas or seeking to understand anyone who doing think in your echo chamber.  So why waste my time?
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Why are you even talking to me?  If I'm such an evil nasi, then surely I should be struck dead by the pandemic because I didn't take the vaccine by now...

I didn't die.  Everyone acted like I was just gonna' be dead from the "virus" and they would never have to explain what they did.  I'm not a ghost.  I just didn't die like the media said I would.

You're still talking to me because you can sense that I'm telling you the truth but you've been told 24/7 for the past 8 years that Trump and everyone who associates with him is the embodiment of evil.  I'm not, I have a lot in common with you, but its not exactly like I have anything else to do because it was all taken away.  So now I'm here, chattin' with you about all the stuff that happened to me in the past 3 years.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
So I'm going to make an addendum to this after my rather Sharp reply. What exactly do they excommunicate you for? If it was trying all then Bullocks to them. Because I know there's members of that community that enjoy watching people being ripped open and chewed and killed ripped to pieces, and eaten. And they get sexual satisfaction from that. They are hardly wants to judge
3 months, 2 weeks ago
The only reason in the ban (no prior bans in my 10 years) was, "not a good fit for the community."

I couldn't even access my notes or view SFW art or even submit a ticket.  Then they tried to claim that my email was wrong the first time I tried to email them.  Then they claimed that the email was correct and that the ban is intention, but they "couldn't give me any extra information."
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Since it wouldn't let me edit it. I meant to say why did they ex communicate you? Was it for a cub porn drawings? I've no idea how it got "if it was trying"
3 months, 2 weeks ago
No, I don't draw cub porn or cubs at all really.  I also don't blacklist it!  It's not for me, but sometimes art I like is tagged that way.  Either way, it's a drawing and I encourage everyone to express themselves creatively no matter what it is they are drawing.

I was originally excommunicated late 2019 basically over someone asking me if I believed in God.  I was like, "Yes, I'm a Christian" (gnostic Christian, more specifically).

If you think you've seen people "freak out" over "MAGA" hats, it's nothing compared to telling them you are a Christian.  They immediately began to make things up about me and pressured my BF to "51/50" me.  It got to the point where I had to completely cut contact with everyone and disappear.  I moved and got a new car without telling anyone where.  This group had done things like "SWATTING" but more along the lines of mental health.  Regardless, these people thought it was cool to call the authorities and make up lies just to cause problems for people

*As soon as a group of people in a telegram group started making up likes and rumors about me, I dipped!  I had seen them do calls to the authorities before, and I was not going to stick around and wait for them to SWAT me.  Some of them aren't even "bad intentions" it's just they were a liability to be around.  Someone called the police when someone fell asleep in the middle of a text conversation, for example.  That kind of thing is just as dangerous even if they're just ignorant.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
I so don't want to hear about Christian prosecution. It is so much bullshit. Christians are the largest single religious group in this country. You're not being prosecuted, you're just losing power. And you don't like it. As for what happened with you with that group? That's a sad thing. But you keep adding things to it that don't need to be added to it. Still showing a victim complex.

Was what the mods did good? No. Shitty. Complete piles of giant turds.
But it doesn't matter. It's not a public forum. It is private. It is privately owned. I don't know what you can't get that through your head. Your freedom of speech doesn't apply there.  If part of their terms of service you have to put pink polka dots on your avatar, you better be putting polka dots on your avatar if you want to stay there. You're not paying their bills, you're not operating the website. You Don't Own it. This isn't furnation,this isn't the VCL, this isn't the old days of the internet, web 1.0. Even then it still didn't apply, but things were a lot looser back then.  And was a very point I made about furries in politics. That back then nobody gave a fuck. We didn't play the political identity game. We hung out with furries. We watched furry shit. We went bowling, we hung out at someone's house, get a dinner, started a convention. And people have gone and done fucked it up. And you're proving it to be a prime example, because you're so hooked up on politics you keep on a discussion on a goddamn art site. I kind of miss the old art sites where one couldn't make comments. You just look at the art. again as I said, and take it to heart: your freedom of speech is not covered on private the owned websites. Only government.

Also, as an addendum: there are plenty of Christian Furs out there. I used to be one of them. I still know several. And they're active in the fandom, and nobody cares about their religion. They're known members in the local community. So maybe you have some shitty people there. But I know from experience this fandom doesn't give a shit about your religion. As long as you don't try to make us follow your rules.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
America is the christian country, and IsRaEl (3 Egyptian gods) is the jewish country.  Christians are by far the most persecuted group in the world.  Christianity is the reason I got cancelled, and I can tell that you care more about me being Christian than you do about my silly MAGA hats~ x3

I read the KJV bible and I don't go to church.  I'm guessing you immediately thought I was talking about the churches? xD


So when I get censored in "public" places it's always a different excuse, for example J6.  Less than 6 months after the BLM "fiery but peaceful" riots.

All you have is excuses for why I'm censored.  You don't tell me what I'm doing wrong because I'm not doing anything wrong.


I'm not sure why you closed out on Christianity, but you and I both know that's not true.  I'm excommunicated over "believing in Jesus Christ as the messiah."

When I was fired, they demanded I write out and sign my religious beliefs.  My career ended because I am Christian.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
America is not a Christian country. Read your history about the founding fathers. They were not christians. And they purposely separated Church from state, cuz a new the damage they could be caused when Church intertwined with the government.

Christianity is losing power in the US,  like it did in Europe.  It's not moral. It's a power trip.

And the IsRaEl comment about the Egypt gods?  Next you're going to tell me Jesus is really "hail zeus".

Quit wasting my time with the Christian persecution nonsense. Christianity is on the rise in Africa,  and you're surenot persecuted anywhere in Europe,  Russia or South America.

You're trying to tell me YOU'RE persecuted? I'm a athiest.  I can't even get into a public office because of Christian dogma .  

I'm not sympathetic in the slightest

And the KJV is a fairly inaccurate translation.  And added a lot of misogyny.   If you were a True man of faith instead of a steeple, toy would know that and seek other translations

You're probably not being persecuted because you're christian, you're probably being persecuted because you spout hateful nonsense, and people don't want to hear it. Jesus is a fucking myth. And even if he was real, you're not following any of his teachings. If you think you are, tell me what teachings you are following?
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Christian =/= Church

They were running from churches.  The Founding Fathers were Christians, running from the churches.

The "churches" back then, were the state.  The King was appointed by God.


Christianity is the only religion you can be fired for being.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Nope. Read the Jeffersonian bible. He took out all the supernatural stuff. He was a deist. Deists are not christians. Several of the founding fathers were deists.
The facts are out there,  you just have to actually read them.

Stop wasting my time.  Either have a serious,  non rhetoric discussion with me or go away.  I'm sick of you're mindless,  unthinking crap.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
You're talking about freemasons?

Thanks for the Bible recommendation, I'll be sure to check it out in detail~! <3
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Deists and free masons are two completely separate entities.   One is a spiritual belief,  the other is a "secret" society.
You can be deist and a free Mason, but it does not imply they are linked
3 months, 2 weeks ago
The official spiritual beliefs of freemasonry are basically that there is vaguely one God who is the Creator.  Deism sounds basically the same.  The masons build the Catholic churches, and lots of the monuments, like the Washington Monument.

Jefferson's bible is also still the Christian Bible.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
So you didn't actually look up Diesm, did you?
3 months, 2 weeks ago
I did, but I don't use search engines.  Whatever censorship they started during lockdown completely broke them.  Now the slots are sold to the highest bidder.


I "defy the authority of the church" so what?  It leaves that part out if you just, "Google" it.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
To add to what I said, I had problems with FA removing my art for wrong reasons, but every single time this happened the art was restored and the warning removed.


For example, this art (https://inkbunny.net/s/3350132) was originally removed for "real life hate group."  

Immediately, a brand new account was made by someone using this art as their avatar and began to impersonate me to my watchers through the comments left on the page (on the watcher's pages).  When I reported it to FA, they said that I could not prove that it was my artwork being used (because the art was removed).  This is why I suspect that it was literally a mod or someone close to a mod harassing me.

However, the removal of the art for "real life hate group" was revoked and my art became visible again after another note from FA mods.  Then, I submitted the FA url to the art, proving it was mine, and the account was not banned but had their avatar removed. :P

The censorship was direct and absurd.  They removed my art and seemingly picked a random reason from a drop-down list, and then it would get restored when I asked for an explanation.

I was never banned (or suspended) until I got the permaban.

An additional detail is that I was being called "homophobic" in the comments section on that artwork I linked of Batty with his silly-spinner MAGA hat.  Both my boyfriend and my Daddy were so upset with me in bed that night when they found out I was homophobic! x'DDD
3 months, 2 weeks ago
By the way, for everyone reading this thread and the replies? This guy's exactly the problem. He wants to engage in politics and rhetoric, and insult you and try to demean you if you disagree with him. I've tried to be civil with him, and he doesn't want to be. In fact alluding that I like to get fucked in prison or something like that. He's not interested in actually engaging in conversation, he just wants to spout his rhetoric in a place. He doesn't want to listen to facts, he just wants to be an assh
2 months, 3 weeks ago
I lock this thread, because I noticed that all the big insults he made aren't on there anymore. Now I don't remember deleting them, but I might have. But it's more likely it's an image spin. So I leave this comment to let you know about some things that no longer exist there. Identify as a punk, philosophically. To try to get my goat, he twisted it to the prison term, which essentially means someone who gets fucked by everybody. Didn't work, but he tried.

This is at incivility I speak of
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