well, chums, chumettes, chumdumpsters, etc. etc., i think it might finally be time to get a real monitor!
ive only ever used bottom of the barrel type stuff, and i embraced it—i like to push the limits of the most rudimentary options cause theyre often the best teacher and because i dont want any crutches, and honestly, because i get option paralysis real easily and prefer to keep things as simple as possible tools youre comfortable with >>>>> having the fanciest toys
like i remember when i gave up erasers cause i wanted to get better at sketching without a safety net, and then gave up pencils for ballpoint pens cause theyre a lot less forgiving in terms of pressure and line sloppiness, and are always available each time ive done something like that its sucked for a long time (years usually lol) but i find it really helps me grow
but monitors are different!! (cheap ones especially!!) the realization has been a long time coming but ive finally figured out that a lot of my problems with digital art come from just not being able to even really see what the heck im doing a lot of the time cause of poor contrast and blurry resolution and that issue is amplified a billion times by the fact that theres actually a bunch of diagnosed stuff wrong with my brain (obviously :^ )) that affects how well i can perceive and process things, especially visual information (dont want to get into all that, its just for the lore page lol and of course for anyone else out there who might have experienced anything similar) that means i wind up wasting tons of time on work i have to scrap (or, worse, excavate and redo) :^ (
id say theres definitely merit to the maxim that "only the incompetent artisan blames their tools" but theres also such a thing as using the right tool for the job and since i have a modicum of financial security at the moment, i feel like i can actually invest a little in a solution! that should mean the rate of my output goes up noticeably—even conservatively id guess upward of 2x efficiency for shaded detailed stuff so, since thats good news for anyone who is into what i do, i figured id come ramble about it a bit in case anyone was in a position and of an inclination to chip in a little :) and since i think theres a pretty high likelihood of getting something in return, its not really begging, right? lmao
[edit: 🙃 straight up forgot to forgot to link my alms receptacle. (iamameadowmeal@protonmail.com) dear friends, there is a reason i answer to "dumb bitch" :'^ )]
anyway im coiled up n ready to pounce on black friday (or if absolutely none of the models im eyeing go down enough, maybe boxing day) (note: im pretty sure this is the only time its acceptable to resort to pugilism when a model wont go down) so keep those little phalanges pretzelized for sempai!!!
i also have a move coming up which ought to result in conditions that let me work on art stuff a lot more, so if all goes well, i might just be back on my bullshit, bigtime >:3
weve had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again, a new age. aquinas spoke of the mythical titty on the hill—soon that titty will be a reality, and we will be crowned its kings. or better than kings. gods
Please remember, no matter how good the monitor is, the video card is also a limiting factor. However, a good monitor can make a average video card seem a bit better.
Please remember, no matter how good the monitor is, the video card is also a limiting factor. Howev
Better tools does not make one a better artist (or whatever anyone is trying to be better at by getting new tools)… But they sure as heck make things easier / more pleasant.
I completely support your no crutch policy, but I do think you will really enjoy having a better monitor. When you spend enough of your life doing something, it can be worth it to invest in it a little. Even if the “worth” isn’t a skill / quality bump.
Better tools does not make one a better artist (or whatever anyone is trying to be better at by gett
working with nice tools is inspiring! like, having a guitar that sounds, feels and looks good affects how people play it—purely psychological, but thats where all the art comes from anyway i think this is gonna be like getting a guitar that plays really well, so im not fighting it every inch of the way, and just happens to be eye candy as a side benefit :) like most of the benefit is gonna be in the tools getting out of my way a little so im not getting dragged down by unnecessary physical & mental encumbrance
definitely agree about the value of higher quality in the things you use every day got a decent office chair recently and even though i have good posture it still wound up being ergonomically beneficial
ofc sometimes the "upgrade" isnt really worth it, and skill can sorta equalize the options—but theres only one way to find that out for sure, and ive found its usually worthwhile to at least try the fancy version of something, both for context & to get over the crush :^ )
working with nice tools is inspiring! like, having a guitar that sounds, feels and looks good affect
I could try and offer you some suggestions on which monitor to get. I have about 30+ years experience in IT and I custom build computers for people a couple times per year.
Could you perhaps share what hardware is in your computer? Which CPU/Processor do you have? Which video card do you have? That would be a good starting point to determine what kind of monitor would work best for you.
I could try and offer you some suggestions on which monitor to get. I have about 30+ years experienc
right now i have a dell g3 15 laptop (intel core i5-9300h @2.4ghz | geforce gtx 1660 ti max-q) might be upgrading to a sff pc though. id like to experience a stable 60 fps when i play the occasional game with friends, just once :' ) plus it would be cool to have something that doesnt lag while im drawing at moderate resolutions and can maybe even give 120fps do need smth portable-ish cause i housesit or stay with other people a lot
i do also have a list of monitors im looking at based on contrast, ppi / pitch, fringing, black "purpling," text definition, etc. funnily enough they all wound up being gaming monitors lol top of the pile rn is the dell aw3225qf wish i could find something smaller but that makes the ppi plummet precipitously :(
neat! thank you :) right now i have a dell g3 15 laptop (intel core i5-9300h @2.4ghz | geforce gtx
The one thing I can suggest is to make sure your laptop has a Displayport port on it on the side. If it does not have that then it will seriously limit the monitors you can use. Which for example: Like that dell aw3225qf. It will only be able to "use all of it" over Displayport (not HDMI) even though it may have an HDMI connection. And no converting the signal from HDMI, USB-C, or DVI to displayport won't do it. More advanced monitors like that need a direct displayport <-> displayport connection to function properly.
I would suggest you spend the time to download a manual for which ever monitor you look at and try to skim the manual for the supported resolutions and refresh rates. The manuals should tell you what resolution and refresh rate is supported over which connection type. It will take a little time to research each screen but I think it would be worthwhile to take the time for this before you buy something.
The one thing I can suggest is to make sure your laptop has a Displayport port on it on the side. If
tbh i didnt know anything about display port so i did a little reading on it according to people who have the monitor, the only real difference between the 2 was some variable framerate flicker & screen tearing, among some people, on some games 🤷 apparently past 4k 120hz they both use the same compression anyway what makes hdmi less effective? i havent had any luck figuring it out on my own
tbh i didnt know anything about display port so i did a little reading on it according to people who
It's not that it's less effective. It's that some monitors have firmware inside of the monitor that only allows X resolution @ X refresh rate on X connection. For example: I have an AOC brand monitor that can do 1080p @ 144 Hz but only over displayport. If I connect HDMI to it using the HDMI port it will only do 1080p @ 60 Hz. I have seen many monitors out there that are very similar. It's not really a technical limitation. It's just that "most monitors only use displayport for higher resolutions and refresh rates" kind of as an industry standard. That's why I said to check the manual.
It's not that it's less effective. It's that some monitors have firmware inside of the monitor that