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My Other Journal Was Deleted For Having TOO MUCH FUN!

So let's have a MODERATE amount of fun here, celebrating the victory of the 47th Emperor of Mankind, Donald Trump!

Or, if y'know, you want to have A LOT of fun, you can go over to my discord and celebrate there :^)
Viewed: 1,070 times
Added: 4 months ago
4 months ago
Jock MAGA chad here : If anyone wants to get bullied by a skunk with scruffy paws and a MAGA hat, Squonker is willing to be your favorite bully.

Squonker will step on your tail, take your lunch money, and even stuff you into a locker.  He will also put his big, soft and very scruffy pawpads directly on your boopin' snoot as he snaps your favorite protractor right in front of your bespectacled eyes.

Happy Halloween~
4 months ago
Everybody just pretending that Trump wasn't already president back in 2017 is really funny to me.

Like. You know it's just gonna be the same thing as last time but again right? Why is everyone acting like it's the end of the world the likes of which we are now doomed to endure?

God I'm so looking forward to 2028 and every election after that where I'll never have to hear anybody telling me who I need to vote for to make sure Bad Orange Man doesn't win ever again.
4 months ago
I think it might be because they're afraid they're going to be treated like they treated everyone else.
4 months ago
Who and who?
4 months ago
Just wait until Barron ascends to the Golden Throne.
4 months ago
I’ve got great news for you! All the guardrails are gone. So you won’t have to worry about staying on the road anymore. We’re going DIRECTLY into the woods now! You won’t have to worry about anyone ever telling you who to vote for. Ever. Again.
4 months ago
I just hope the next two are more.. normal...i worry this is polatics now! just hyberbolic RAGEING and Tantrum throwing about hwo the worlds going to fucking END if X or Y wins the white house... uhh..
4 months ago
Bold of you to think there are going to be future elections. THIS is our norm now. Keep your eyes out for roving bands of kindness givers. Those are the most dangerous animals of all.
4 months ago
" randomfox wrote:
Everybody just pretending that Trump wasn't already president back in 2017 is really funny to me.

Like. You know it's just gonna be the same thing as last time but again right? Why is everyone acting like it's the end of the world the likes of which we are now doomed to endure?

God I'm so looking forward to 2028 and every election after that where I'll never have to hear anybody telling me who I need to vote for to make sure Bad Orange Man doesn't win ever again.

What you don't understand was that he was obstructed due to his political inexperience. He didn't have a supermajority in the house, senate, and Supreme Court and a lot of conservatives were opposed to him.

Nowadays he has loyalists and yes men who will implement stuff from Project 2025. Since it is his last term, they'll follow his plans because they'll have no career afterwards.

" He openly doesn't support it!

His appointed staffers and congressmen do, and have already implemented portions of it within their state.

Even if you don't care about the porn, social security removal, purged veteran benefits, or LGBT bans, a huge problem is that it grants power to the Judicial branch of the government which is already deeply conservative. So instead of dealing with Trump for four years, you're going to be dealing with right-wing stuff for 100. They'll either be Christian WN people or hardcore libertarians who favor and empower the rich.

It is going to be tough for you to internalize this unless if you're personally affected by it, which will inevitably happen as the right-wing hates anyone who differs greatly from them.
4 months ago
That's bullshit but I believe it
4 months ago
Best to stop reading memes about triggered liberals and look at actual right-wing policies.
4 months ago
You sound like the kind of people who genuinely and sincerely believe the moon landing was fake and the CIA assassinated JFK lol. Like, bruh. The government can't even pave the road in front of my house without fucking it up.

Your conspiracy of a big bad scary right wing fascism state that's going to ban porn and corral all the gays into reeducation camps is inherently founded on the assumption that the United States government is competent. Which it isn't.

You are imbuing more power and ability onto the conservatives than even Republican voters do lol. Maybe on your fear mongering little trans exclusive discord servers that sounds like a rational fear. But over here in reality, government officials literally cannot wipe their own ass without getting shit all over their faces.
4 months ago
He has full control of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government, yet you think that he's not going to use a comprehensive detailed plan made and funded by people who worked in his administration? Day 1 he's going to fulfill a promise from project 2025 that would remove birthright citizenship. Please remove your head from the sand.
4 months ago
Uh huh I'm very sure the big bad devil with an orange face and yellow hair is gonna do all the mean and terrible things to you, whatever you say. Far be it from me to take away this idea that clearly brings you so much comfort with sensible acknowledgement of facts and reality.
4 months ago
He very much is going to do bad things to everyone. He announced that he hired a Project 2025 author into his department. Additionally said person partook in a white nationalist conference hosted by Nick Fuentes.

Do you want to acknowledge your mistake or stick your head in the sand more? You're not going to benefit from a good economy as an undesirable in their eyes.
4 months ago
I literally cannot tell if your joking
4 months ago
Then that's the mark of good satire, isn't it?
4 months ago
I hope he is, it's not like WASPS and trumpers would accept a guy who makes porn of underage kids having gay sex with giant rats. And I'm positive all forms of porn are about to get the clench.

4 months ago
Everyone knows that just four years go, just thinking about such things were punishable by death, right?
4 months ago
Is it? The Onion's satire started coming true, strange how that happens.
4 months ago
Sometimes stranger than fiction. The human mind can make some of the weirdest shit.
4 months ago
Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize
4 months ago
4 months ago
Its always amusing to see people suffer from imaginary gas chambers and faggot ass bounties.
Pro tip, maybe the real emperor is just their lack of schizo meds
4 months ago
A Cup Of Liber-Tea starts playing louder and louder as the 47th Emperor of Mankind approaches
4 months ago
*A Single, solitary tear*
4 months ago
I mentioned it on the other one but I am very, very disappointed in the right wing death squads from 2016.  They drastically underperformed.
4 months ago
Wasn’t that a right’s fear mongering for what would happen if Obama’s healthcare plan went through? So I suppose we agree. The portrayal of the Dems was accurate. They don’t know how to do anything.
4 months ago
If ACA went through...then the right was afraid that...right wing death squads would...kill gays or minorities or whatever...under Trump...but before he ever ran.


...purple, because ice cream doesn't have bones.
4 months ago
it was joke passed around the right that got started by the left maybe not the ENTIRE left but a vocal enough portion of it to get noticed, started airing fears about right wing goose stepping death squads.

the mental image was so hilarious the right picked it up and MEMED a bit with it.

but I second this! the Death Squads did a horrible job! 8 years later and im still Bisexual! DX
4 months ago
The emperor protects.
4 months ago
I feel I missed a lively exchange.

How disappointing.
4 months ago
I missed it to XD it must have happened when we were sleeping feels like we were both trying to put out fires and change diapers XD
4 months ago
for or against?
4 months ago
Dude's discord is full of people using racial and homophobic slurs. Unironically for.
4 months ago
4 months ago
Eh, i prefer not to be mean to people 🤷 it takes the minimum effort to not call someone a bad thing.
4 months ago
There is a big difference between being mean and acting mean.
4 months ago
Depends on who you ask. Just because its your truth doesn't make it everyone's. Most humans in society don't enjoy being called slurs.
4 months ago
Well they better learn to enjoy it under Trump's new fascist dictatorship :^)
4 months ago
I think you should test it! "Hi I'm Emenius the sodomite! I only take commissions if one character is below 12, or a wild squirrel. Do you mind if i call you this racial slur?" They'd love it
4 months ago
See? Now you're getting it! Except I'd go with "Please let me know which race you are so I know which slur to properly call you"
4 months ago
Yeah! And then they'd call the police and you'd get sent to the slammer for being the way you are! Very autist of you
4 months ago
"Hello, police? Someone called me a bad word on the internet! ...Yes, again!
 ...hello?   ...HELLO?"
4 months ago
....REAL people in REAL society. I know you spend 16 hours a day on the phone, but when i sais "humans in society" innregards to you walking up to strangers, I meant "people who go outside and participate in social interactions." I can see how its confusing, i was a bit vague, but i mean real people who talk face to face.
4 months ago
If you walk up to an absolute stranger, drop a slur, and wait for a reaction, the most likely reaction is walk away, hit you, or call the cops. I didn't think this needed explained....
4 months ago
Then you need to stop criticizing me immediately.  That's very mean of you.
4 months ago
I'd say its a funny joke, but I've seen it 1,000 times, sung 1,000 ways, told with the same two punchlines. So it's a joke for sure.
4 months ago
You've been told to stop being mean to people a thousand times?  Golly, you must be quite the bully.
4 months ago
You're aa bad a degenerate as the rest of us, you use a cub porn site. Frequently. I don't have to be nice, you probably like being called mean words 💜😉
4 months ago
Oh dear, you don't seem to be aware of your own hypocrisy here.  I'll just assume you don't know how you'd feel if you hadn't had breakfast yesterday.
4 months ago
Like you're offended? What's next, two genders? Good one. Great job. I'm devasted
4 months ago
Why are you being so mean?  You know, it takes the minimum effort to not call someone a bad thing.
4 months ago
If this is what you consider mean you've had a pretty easy life.
4 months ago
That's not very loving or empathetic of you.  I'm starting to think you are just telling people not to be mean because you don't like the idea of accountability for your actions.
4 months ago
😂😂😂 I don't  be mean to strangers. People. Sorry you have the reading comp of a 4th grader. I hope you have a great day with alladat
4 months ago
Better than a great day, a great four years even!  Seeing that your religion is so foul, so vile, so reprehensible that even normies completely detached from it still look at it and choose to wrap their fingers around your cult's throat brings me unending glee.
4 months ago
Wait lmao which religion?  I have no religious affiliation, i think you're making things up again babes
4 months ago
The very fact that you're here seething rather puts the lie to that.  Then again, your religion venerates lying to gain power as a virtue, so here we are.
4 months ago
Aww, buddy! You got a bit of brain bamage ❤️‍🩹💔 you're not making sense anymore! Lmaoo
4 months ago
Wow. I didn't know that there were asshole trolls in the furry fandom. What happened to us being inclusive and loving? Sad.
4 months ago
It got infested with Marxists. :(
4 months ago
*face palm*
4 months ago
The conservative boogeymen.
4 months ago
And yet.
4 months ago
Yet nothing. They're nothing. You were afraid of the boogeyman.
4 months ago
Lying to cover for the most murderous ideology to ever exist is an interesting choice.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
4 months ago
I wonder if that one mentally ill poster is gonna call him the entropy for another 4 years like he did last time
4 months ago
Who called who in the what now?
4 months ago
4 months ago
Draw him with big cock)
4 months ago
So uh...not for nothing, but the left promised me a Handmaid's Tale rapewife if Trump won.  Do they deliver those, or do I have to pick it up somewhere?
4 months ago
Fuck you
4 months ago
4 months ago
I live in a country where freedom of speech is limited and social media is censored, so it’s surprising to see Americans get so dramatic and sensitive over differing opinions, throwing insults at anyone who disagrees with them, man! People need to chill out instead of telling each other to go f*** themselves. Freedom of speech in America seems protected, but the willingness to actually talk things through seems weak and pretty polarized over there.
4 months ago
The American populace takes a lot of their freedoms for granted. They know not the truth of life outside of a westernized society. This is what happens when people take whatever anyone online or the media ways without a quick research on things. American/westernized people have gotten really weak and pathetic.
4 months ago
We'll just have to see how that First Amendment fares over the next four years.
4 months ago
this is.... relatively recent delvopment. we have always had disagreements and little flame war over particularly heated topics but not like this these last 8-10 years so so the nations becomes more and more divided between Group A and Group B the tribalism is getting unhinged.
4 months ago
*radio crackle*
Patriots are in control
4 months ago
Oh God not you.
4 months ago
have fun with your russian plant
4 months ago
So are you actually right-wing/MAGA or just ironic?
4 months ago
If you have to ask, you'll never know :^)
4 months ago
Heard stuff about his Discord being full of slurs.
4 months ago
If you’re actually MAGA, and you’re gay, congrats! You let the leopards eat your face!
4 months ago
Man it's crazy, I had just finally escaped the gay internment camps in 2020 only to immediatly go into lock downs. Now we all have to go back to the gay death camps for four years...
4 months ago
*eye roll*
4 months ago
4 months ago
This is probably one of the most entertaining comment sections to a journal I've seen in...I'd say about four years XD Well done!
4 months ago
Best of luck expecting them to welcome the guy that draws long dicked rats fucking little boys into their club. Be sure to let us know how that goes.
4 months ago
This is the part that gets me. Like,,,, they won't let you into their club, no matter how hard you try to get in. Gay people are still a no-no. Like April' 2022's Tennesse House Bill 223, the one banning gay marriage; itdidn't mention an age minimum for heterosexual marriage for nearly a month after publishing. And you KNOW how up in arms they'll get when they see pictures of adult men fantasizing about babysitters grooming their sons into being gay
4 months ago
What? That's terrible!
If a gay man and a gay woman want to get married together, they absolutely should be able to!
4 months ago
What???? I can't. What???? You got brain bamage too???
4 months ago
That doesn't even make sense 💀
4 months ago
blocked and unfollowed, i will not be following a maga supporter for obvious reasons, love your art but as far as being a maga supporter and voting for that fascist...no just no, have a nice day!
4 months ago
If you ever want to come back, there'll always be room on my Watched list!
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Did they delete a journal of yours? I never imagined that Inkbunny was also a censoring piece of shit
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Try posting the artwork Emenius posts here to other websites like Furaffinity or even "Free Speech Absolutist" Elon Musk's X site and see how far you get.

This is a private website, not a public forum, and the owners can run it however they want and they don't want that here. Same as anywhere else in a capital run civilization. Get used to it.

To Emenius: You should show off how you earn your living to your newfound friends. I'm sure they'll be very accepting of it.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
A website used by 20 million people isn't public? I hope what you say is false, otherwise I will seriously consider stopping posting here.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Yeah you probably should then.

The private owners aren't going to change how they run their operations because some of their members decided to go MAGA and pop off some incendiary posts that cause them problems they don't want.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Well, I'm certainly not going to go just on your words, I'll give Inkbunny the benefit of the doubt.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
the "but muh private X" argument is so tired cuz the second you get censored you'd bitch whine and moan the exact same way you'd tell that to

sorry, but it's worth criticizing a place that censors specific opinions, especially if it goes against their own status quo. it shows they're not neutral and are very biased

i highly doubt emenius posted anything actually inflammatory or against the rules too, so yeah -- criticizing the site for deleting his journal isn't out of pocket and honestly very warranted

also the "hehehe show ur porn to people irl" isn't the epic own you think it is. get that childish shit out of here
what does that even have to do with what he said anyways lol
3 months, 4 weeks ago
* the exact same way the people you'd tell that to
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Shit was funny and Id do it again.
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