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My Response to the Election

Trump won.  I can’t say I’m surprised.  Bothered?  Yeah.  Pissed off?  Oh, hell yeah!  Scared for what will become of the country I love?  Absolutely.

But surprised?  Nope.  Not surprised at all.

Somehow I knew he would win.  Just some feeling I had in the pit of my gut.  I knew it.  I didn’t want to believe it, but I knew in my heart of hearts that he would win.

This is a hard thing for me to go through.  A former Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB or "Old IFB" if you count the Andersonite crap that's around now as being legit) who left the faith in late 2008 due to all of the lies, bullshit, and hypocrisy I saw on a regular basis, who went 16 years practicing various forms of Neo-Pagan ritualism and so on, 14 of those years spent doing a kind of spiritual musical chairs where I flip-flopped between claiming to be the Goddess Inanna and claiming to be literally anybody else.  My Spirit Guide behaving like an enemy, until I forgave her two years ago, an act which changed her own opinion of me and convinced her that I wasn’t an enemy to be destroyed but rather a friend to be loved.  Now I know her name, her real name, and my relationship with her.  And I came to trust her because of the change she showed.  I trusted her to the point where when she suggested I follow Jesus again, I agreed and chose to do so.

And now Donald Trump, multi-millionare, con man, felon, traitor, instigator of the only attempted coup in US history... has been re-elected to the office of the President of the United States.

And what single group of people is the most to blame for this?


Let that sink in for a moment.  I’m nigh to tears writing this out, because despite my not believing in most of the things the IFB church taught me, one thing it did instill in me from a young age was the authority of God, and the rightness of his word.  I learned early on that memorizing verses and passages of the Bible was a good thing, something to be cherished and the teachings of that Bible to be followed.  In my teens, I acquired a reproduction 1611 King James Version of the Holy Bible, complete with Old Testament, New Testament, and Apocrypha as per the original KJV.  The only difference was in the typeface used, a Roman typeface that made it easier to read.  Having seen many friends talk about how they’d read through the Bible, I decided to read through mine.  They took one year.  I took six.  I nodded off more times than I care to remember, most notably during the so-called “Begats,” the pages upon pages of lists of geneologies.  But I soldiered on, believing it would be for my betterment to do so.

Reading all the way through the Bible taught me a lot of things.  I learned through that reading, for instance, that the Hollywoodesque “struggle between good and evil” that was the Conquest of Canaan was, in fact, a monstrous genocide the likes of which Adolf Hitler himself would have been embarrassed to have been a part of.  I learned that Jepthah’s Daughter was NOT sent to the temple but was, in fact, burned alive as a sacrifice.  I learned that animals have the same “living souls” that human beings do, thanks to the translators putting the actual Hebrew meaning of the word translated “life” in the margins in Genesis Chapter 1.  In essence, what I learned by reading the Bible itself is that the church I attended, while touting the greatness and the authority of the Holy Scripture, didn’t actually believe in Holy Scripture.  That church, and its people, believed in whatever the preacher said that Holy Scripture meant.

I also read that Jesus never said “worship me” or anything even remotely similar to that.  I read where Jesus said there will be many in the last day who will call him Lord whom he will deny, saying he never knew them.  And while my church would readily say that you can’t lose your salvation, Jesus’s reason for denying them is that they commit evil.  Their WORKS are what gets him to deny them, which means that “Once Saved Always Saved” is bullshit.

You see people online saying that they became atheists because they read the Bible.  You see it all the time.  While I have never become an atheist, I most certainly did leave Christianity for 16 years, and the reason was that there was a massive disconnect between what my church taught me and what the Holy Bible taught me.  The Bible even says that it isn’t the Word of God... but that Jesus is!  

Which brings me to why I came close to tears writing about Christians putting an evil man in the White House again.  Jesus said “love thy neighbor.”  He also said “love thine enemies, pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you for my name’s sake.”  He said “bless them that curse you.”  And finally, when it came to religion he said to keep it to yourself.  “Let not thine left hand know what thy right hand doeth” when giving money to the church.  “Enter into your closet and close the door” when you pray.  He said that we should do these things, because it is the hypocrites and the liars who make a show out of it, to be seen by other people and praised by other people for how righteous they are.  

And yet what are these “Christians” doing?  They’re openly praying for God to curse the people they hate.  Bragging about how they’re going to laugh while you burn in hell.  Acting like they know better than God does who his followers are.

I recently encountered such a “Christian” on a TF2 server, and I was absolutely floored by just how monstrously arrogant and evil this individual was behaving like.  He was saying I wasn’t a Christian because I am Nephilim, and can’t be saved because of my bloodline.  But that’s not what Jesus said, and I reminded him of what Jesus said, quoted Jesus verbatim from the Sermon on the Mount... and he told me point-blank “Jesus never said that, you liar.”  

Interestingly enough, I also found in that same conversation the reason why Jesus gave many of his commands.  I did the one thing my body didn’t want to do, and I blessed this guy.  I told him I hoped he had a great day, and all that... and I found myself strangely at peace for having done those things.  Meanwhile, he got angrier and angrier, taunting more and more violently, acting like he was God’s Prophet and I was the Devil.  I wasn’t sarcastic, I did my best to do what was right, and I followed Jesus’s own commands... and regardless of who “won” the argument, I came out feeling at peace, and he left in a huff.  In all the years that I was a practicing Christian, this is the very first time I have ever followed that advice.  The results amaze me even as I write this now.  Usually when someone accuses me like that, I get furiously angry.  

This encounter, combined with the vile behavior of self-proclaimed “Christians” in this country, drives home the point Jesus made 2,000 years ago when he said that “strait is the path, and narrow is the way that leadeth to salvation, and there be few that find it.”  Christianity is one of the most popular religions on Earth right now, and yet very few people who call themselves Christians actually do the things Jesus said to do.  Most treat him like a national flag, like something to wave around and show your patriotism to the world.  To them, Jesus’s own words don’t really matter that much.  This is why you see people calling the truth a lie, claiming that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of gay people, and also claiming that the Flood occurred because my people existed.  It’s because what Jesus said doesn’t matter one tiny bit to them, they just want to be in control.  They want their side to win at any cost.

The Apostle Paul wrote that “The day will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts will they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.”  I grew up in a religion that was built on such lusts, heaping to itself teachers to listen to with itching ears... all the while condemning as demonic anything that threatened to reveal the truth in their presence.

Blood doesn’t decide your righteousness.  Behavior does.  Jesus doesn’t tell us to worship him, he says to “follow” him, to emulate his example.  There is nothing in his teaching that says anything about his death being a “blood sacrifice.”  All that teaching is occult bullshit inserted by Imperial Rome to prevent people from rising above their station in life, and used as an excuse by so-called “Christians” in our day to do whatever evil they wish to commit, claiming to be “washed in the blood of the lamb” and thus not accountable for those evils that they have chosen to do.

So I’m not surprised that Trump won.  Angry, yes.  Upset, yes.  Scared, absolutely.  

But surprised?  No.  Their lies, their evil, their cruelty, their arrogance - all things the Devil revels in - have served to simply overwhelm all that is righteous and good in the world.

I did, for awhile, find myself wondering if I should continue following Jesus’s teachings as a result of this.  It was during this time that Lilith reminded me of why the Gospel exists.  It’s so that the good people in this world can see there is hope, even in the darkest of times.  Lilith was “The Entity” for many years that tormented me.  When I forgave her, as was the thing Jesus would have done, she saw me for who I was.  She became not only my friend, but even told me her real name, which she has since allowed me to openly say.  I adore her, pure and simple.  She is my daughter from a past life, and my mate in that life and this one as well.  She did these things because I did what Jesus would have done... not what my old IFB church would have done.  

I know the power of the Gospel.  I’ve seen it play out several times in my own life.  I will continue to follow it, though it won’t be an easy thing to do.  But I think in the end, be it easy or hard, it will be worth the effort.
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Added: 3 months, 2 weeks ago
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