Things keep going as I expected.
Pessimism and history shows you well how things go, they teach you what to expect but also how to fix it..
So with the years of told-ya-so's maybe you should try-out paying attention to those?
Yeah, as of now, still a 20% chance late votes might give her a slight win, but frankly this bodes badly either way.
Honestly though, I *almost* find it Hilarious, because I know his supporters wouldn't be happy later while they burn in the dumpster fires of problems the incompetent putz is known to chronically cause.
To those upset & scared;
Your options are - be depressed or get angry & active.
This is because of complacency, trusting that things will be okay without relentless attention to threats, but also tolerance of threats.
Plot, seethe & make them pay is how they win, so return the same favors later (but for better goals).
Also, for women that have abusive relatives or mates that tried to force them to vote against their rights, as soon as you can, leave them. Seriously, some 3rd world middle-eastern level female abuse stuff is forming.
Since I'm more a neutral/non-affiliated type I can point out the BS that both sides commit..
Liberals are too trusting, they should've taken more extreme measures, you know, like prosecuting treason (such realities don't land on people until done), and stuff like stop assuming people cant possibly be so evil and damaging to society.
They forgave fraud & looters, tolerated foreign operated news propaganda, and now those forgiven are gonna try to kill them.
They arrogantly pushed agendas not everyone was ready for, you must offer it - not force it.
The abortions thing sounded too much like a sick party game to simple folk rather than stating it more properly like Clinton did (a right to safety but not a disposable responsibility)
They ignored the Rural areas where people are sick of betrayal by Republicans, locally most spots were uncontested but the few Dems on there did better than they should've.
Forgot to restore & improve farm subsidies you dipshits, food is the fuel of progress, staple food items should be the least of people concerns.
Ignored the foreign & wealthy interests that have been systematically buying up utilities, homes & rental places - I dare say as a plot to drive up scarcity & piss people off more than actual profit motive.
Tolerated Hamas AND Israeli genocide.
Lack of narrative prowess, need to be properly dominating, but not smug. They let the swindlers take credit for everybody else's work.
Welfare seems to have an entrapment problem - it punishes people that even explore working part time, it should be supplemental!
Paying people in certain cities too fucking much, yes it does hurt the rest of the country!;
How do you think the workers that can only make on average $12k/year & teachers that get ~$20k/year out here feel about big city dockworkers making $200K & liberal arts or such teachers making 80K+/year?
Seething, that's what! The city costs trickle down & supply leaves(tho the low rural pay is in part some corporate trickery like randomizing/limiting hours to prevent moonlighting & job-seeking). Needs balance!)
Didn't punish big tech severely.
I have mixed feelings of disgust & tepid relief that I can partially pass for as these bumpkins..
So I'm not at the top of their hit list... but I worry about others.
The thing people cant get through their heads is these fascist minded leaders are incompetent - they screw stuff up, then blame others, mob mentalities flare, then the mass round-ups & executions.
But to immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ+, & women, I'd strongly suggest stuff like forming types of neighborhood protection unions..
And reopen some local military posts, we've seen tyrants have no qualms about sending trigger-happy goons into defenseless cities.
If people don't - I am also sure that rape, lynching & concentration camps might make a comeback, BUT..
But if you aren't an easy target, they can't. They're fake alphas, they can only push over those that can't defend themselves.
So once you can defend, you can ride things out almost comfortably.
I'm not yet sure how online psych-ops can be fought (again, I tried to tell you these rural people completely buy the conspiracy shit from overseas & parroted from within), aside from cutting off problem countries or going to war.
Another alternative might be to hack the shit out of those countries governments until they collapse, but not a whole lot of historical guidance there.
Seriously, look up the crap the KGB is known for, you'll see stuff that explains alot.
I'd suggest not doing pointless stand-off type protests, fascists love to insert destructive instigators to make them look bad.
Proper ways to hurt power-abusers is to cut off their resources, consider targeted union strikes that hurt them but not really civilians.
Can also just significantly cut down on luxury spending to hurt the more corrupt companies(you should save up anyway - for those that can anyway).
Though I'm not sure if liberals are capable of handling the tips on how to deal with regular-folk and to right-wingers & extremists..
They feel abandoned, yes it's kinda their fault for believing in conspiracies and conmen, but it's also on others to not have prevented that.
My complaint was our schools did not bother teaching anything about modern technology; Photoshop, c++, electronic fab boards/robotics & full color Windows 95/98 machines existed in my time, but all we got was like 10 hours of typing class on 15+ years outdated Apple II's.
We don't get "the good stuff" out here - stores are mostly just grocery, hardware & home-wares.. so modern tech hardly exists, aside from some "smart" phones (frankly those existing was a huge mistake), nothing fun to do.
Probably why hillbillies shoot stuff for "fun" (ie: sad & frustrated).
Sorry, but it's a fact many refuse to accept that pride parades & such only make them want libs dead.
It pushes/creates their misogyny, jealousy, hatred, and paranoia buttons. Be more discreet with when & where.
Though the worst ones are public dangers (like the public bomber terrorists), that the police might have to eventually terminate, but as I said there's times when people must consider fighting against dangerous lethal imminent threats (not try to hug them), because the police wont always help you.
Planet is looking doomed..
I wouldn't be surprised if the dumbfuck would try to nuke storms.
The one's warning about climate disasters & total extinction happening far faster were ignored, but they were right.
But some significant part of it might be savable.
And it takes at least a few decades for the planet's corpse to rot, so at worst most of you can still live fairly normal lives.. I know, I feel it, but we don't need to all kill ourselves anytime soon..
Maybe wait until you're an old fart and if when the boiling hot acid rains begin, by then it sounds like a plan.
A good while to do a bucket list.
If the world wants to be a burning circus of t*rdiges then get some popcorn.
A pity, we were supposed to explore the stars someday, what a waste of some 4 billion years of effort.
I cannot trust some people here to be civil, so comments locked.