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Politics, eh?

An artist posts about politics.
An entitled watcher basically goes "You're supposed to post porn, not to talk politics"
Said entitled watcher then whines 'cause people tell him how much of an ass he's being.

Artist are people. They can post whatever they want, specially if it feels important to them.
I'm not big in politics myself, but I can just -not click- a journal if it's not a topic I wanna mess with.

In other news, if you're voting Trump, please block-and-unwatch me. Thank you.
Edit: Talking with a friend made me notice I worded that wrong, as political-leaning isn't my biggest issue, but, following the first part of the journal, attitude and personality is.
So that should be:


In other news, if you're voting Trump because you like him as a person, please block-and-unwatch me. Thank you.

Your political leaning is not my business. But if you like him, the person, after all he's shown to be, and the stuff he's said about himself? Yeh, we won't get along. XD
Viewed: 317 times
Added: 4 months, 1 week ago
4 months, 1 week ago
I find it baffling there are people into furry stuff and into the Orange.
I would think these two things are on the opposite ends of the spectrum, with all the LGBT and openness and such.
4 months, 1 week ago
I remember there being LGTB groups supporting Trump. 'cause in big groups there's always dumb people that don't really understand -what- they are supporting...
4 months, 1 week ago
Just being a furry in general seems like the kind of "sexual deviancy" those "people" (especially Trump) would be very strongly against. Furries voting le orange are voting very clearly against their own best interests. It's incomprehensible to me.

Being European, I have no voice in this election. I can't vote for or against Trump.
4 months, 1 week ago
It's a cult. There is no logic or reason to it, the people in the cult are simply not thinking. At all.
4 months, 1 week ago
Individual thoughts disappear to be replaced by the will of the cult instead, and they don't even realize they no longer are thinking on their own
4 months, 1 week ago
I don't vote, I dont really care for either side and wish that people voted for policies not politicians, it would make life so much easier, but alas it is what it is.

Good luck to those who vote, I hope uour candidate(s) win, and if they don't there is always next time.
4 months, 1 week ago
One side has good policies though.

The other is lead by a criminal, someone who has been found guilty of being a rapist, and whose policies undermine democracy in the United States as a whole. He has, on multiple occasions, talked openly about using violent force against his political opponents, and constantly considers himself and all of his cronies above the law.
4 months, 1 week ago
Don't care, still not gonna vote, because the "good side" in your opinion has policies I don't like, much like the "bad side" in your opinion has policies I don't like, hence I don't like either of them, even on state levels I don't like either side. This whole "you're either with us or against us" anti-centrist ideology needs to fuck right off.

I dislike both of the sides evenly, not gonna vote for the "lesser evil" when both are pretty fuckin evil imo.
4 months, 1 week ago
You overly-comfortable child.
4 months, 1 week ago
Comfortable? Nah, either way which ever side wins there is gonna be riots, protests, angry mobs, constant attempts to over throw or impeach, just like every other election before it.

I am uncomfortable when non-americans think they have a right to an opinion about american politics, especially when it doesn't affect them

I am uncomfortable that I personally dont get to be anti-political and don't get to say I hate both sides for being awful and against my personal ideals

I am uncomfortable that people like you and
think they can tell me how to vote and who to vote for when I don't want to in tbe first fuckin place

Let me be apolitical and not do anything

I dont fuckin care who wins, its not gonna matter anyways, its all gonna result in the same stupid bullshit as 2020, ad infinitum.

I don't agree with either side, I think they are both fuckin retarded and wish that third party options weren't a fuckin joke so centrists like myself with both liberal and conservative ideals had a party they could rely on but alas I am not awarded that comfort.

Fuck outta here with that bullshit offhandedly calling me privileged. Bitch I work for a living, have earned my spot in life and have lived in the worst ghettos that Houston has to offer and have been homeless, I know what its like to struggle and what its like just trying to survive.

At no point has EITHER of the side's representatives had to live the life I lived and therefore I refuse to believe they have any empathy towards me and my kind, the working class, they do not care about me or people like me, they just want my blind loyalty and will do nothing to help me or people like me, I don't support religious politics like others, no politician will ever get my vote as no politician will know what its like the genuinely come from the bottom.
4 months, 1 week ago
The fact that you worked hard jobs and lived in slums does not mean you're not priviledged. You're not one of several groups that Trump has in his crosshairs. If he wins, you'll continue being much better off than them while they will be suffering even more. You can afford to be a centrist, you brat. THAT is what makes you priviledged. Spare me your bullshit.
4 months, 1 week ago
" Makroth wrote:
The fact that you worked hard jobs and lived in slums does not mean you're not priviledged. You're not one of several groups that Trump has in his crosshairs. If he wins, you'll continue being much better off than them while they will be suffering even more. You can afford to be a centrist, you brat. THAT is what makes you priviledged. Spare me your bullshit.

You literally know nothing about me, you legit are making assumptions and assuming I'm pro-trump because I won't vote. You're an idiot people like you are why I don't vote

The stupid "if youre not 100% with us you're against us" mentality you carry is what drives the fence sitters away from your cause.

I do have things in my life that will be extremely negatively impacted if EITHER side wins, I am in a lose-lose situation, that is far from privileged. I lose no matter who wins :u
4 months, 1 week ago
I'm not assuming you're pro-Trump. I'm assuming you're a priviledged brat who can afford to sit this one out. And that you don't give a shit about the ones on a lower rung than you. You still haven't said anything to amek me believe otherwise. Some people will lose far far far far more if Trump wins. First. But eventually the party will eat everyone's faces. Are you aware these morons want to ban vaccines? And take complete control of the courts? hurr durr both sides bad. Fucking priviledged dumbass.
4 months, 1 week ago
Trump winning effects me negatively just as much as Harris winning, I have an even split lose/lose 🤷🏼‍♀️
4 months, 1 week ago
Just share how exactly Harris winning would've been negative for you?
4 months, 1 week ago
I am a legal gun owner and supporter of the 2A, I don't need someone attempting to remove that from me, I don't live in the best area, and as a short 5'2" woman I like having my equalizer on my hip in case someone who is much larger and much stronger than me decides that my phone or wallet is worth my life even if they aren't worth anything.

Her stance on extreme gun control hurts those of us who follow the law, do things the right way, and its not fair to me that I would have to find more alternative routes to defend ourselves.

In all honesty that was a major turn off for me from her, I don't want to lose my equalizer, have I ever had to use it? No thankfully, but have I been attacked and hurt before I got it? Yes, so I don't want it to ever happen again.

If Trump won, that would hurt my job so much, considering the people who work there with me.

Still a lose-lose, one for fear of my life living in a ghetto that sees me as an easy target, and the other losing my livelihood.
4 months ago
Your gun would not be taken away by her ideal gun control laws - you have been lied to by propaganda. Not only are none of the gun control Dems want to put into place retroactive (so they would not take anyones guns away, just take some people's ability to buy new guns away), but why do you think you would fail a thorough background check? Why do you think you wouldn't pass a gun safety course? Why would it be so horrible for you to have to store your gun and ammo at home separately, it's not like anyone would actually come into your fucking house to check.
She would not have had any chance to put that gun control into action anyway.

Meanwhile Republicans want to make transgender care illegal and strike down marriage equality, they have already struck down the right of people to terminate life threatening, dangerous, or even still pregnancies - even in the cases of raped minors, and you, as a small woman, have absolutely nothing to say about that? Imagine your equaliser didn't save you. Imagine the bad guy was faster with his gun, and then did the unthinkable to you afterward. You survive, but now you've gotta have his baby.

Sure the chances of that happening to you specifically aren't high, but that's the reality thousands of women have to live with now. Children too.
4 months ago
According to this, the literal transcript from the whitehouse she wanted an Australian styled gun seizure.


So like I dunno, maybe I shouldn't believe the actual words coming out of her mouth then eh?

I don't listen to right-wing extremists or left-wing extemists, I read transcripts from the whitehouse itself but hey that's as unbiased as I can get.
4 months ago
I dont think you know what left wing extremism is, but you know presidents don't get to enact something like that, which requires a constitutional amendment, all by themselves right? Just cause she wants to do it doesn't mean she'll get to, but Republicans have already struck down law after law eith the full support of their politicians other than the president, he just gets empowered.

Democrays in America are centre right. Republicans are right to far right. You don't even know what a left wing is when the country's most radically left wing politicians with any power are moderate social democrats Bernie Sanders and AOC.
4 months, 1 week ago
Politics are stressful to the point of causing people severe distress/anxiety/depression and it is completely understandable to not want it to bleed over into your hobbies and sanctuaries away from the stress of the world. I understand some things are important and life changing, but people need a break from stress or it will literally kill them. It's not even a matter of if someone likes political talk or not, it's simply a desire to not have stress brought into your safe space. It would be like coming home from work and your boss and coworkers are in your living room to talk about work for the rest of the day.

It doesn't excuse acting going off like the person in question did, but I understand why he did that. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel like doing the same at times.
4 months, 1 week ago
Consider this, though. My art gallery is not somebody else's personal safe space. It's mine. I am inviting people to it, I am sharing my work which bears pieces of my soul to the world (because I make real art, not just profit junkfood). They don't have to like it, but they can't expect to control my space.
4 months, 1 week ago
I wasn't justifying his behavior so much as explaining why people feel that way. Both sides are valid to an extent.
4 months, 1 week ago
Sure, people like/need different things.
Do we need to ban everyone from drawing spiders, 'cause some people are arachnophobic?

Or making journals about spiders, in that case?

Even more, if a journal says "spiders" in the title, is the poster to blame if an arachnophobic clicks on it?

If the guy is SO in danger when politics is involved, he could've DELETED the journal warning. If he felt that strongly he could've also clicked so he wouldn't get more journals from that person.

Instead, decided to go in the journal, read it, then loudly complain by stating the artist hsould do NOTHING but post porn, and avoid politics.

I understand wanting to avoid a topic. But that means -avoiding the topic-, not telling others they have no right to discuss it.
4 months, 1 week ago
See my response above >w>
4 months, 1 week ago
The funny orange man brings out the worse in people as well as the politics things. Frankly I just see it as people INTENTIONALLY making themselves angry knowingly. It's tiring but it shows who the babies are and who the block sooooo...some silver lining lol

Anywho yeah get rid of the orange man and his voters/supporters
4 months, 1 week ago
Honestly, if someone votes for the overgrown Oompa-Loompa it's no skin off my back, but the moment they start harassing me over voting for that Oompa-Loompa then things get personal. I already cast my vote last week and the ballot I cast was all blue
4 months, 1 week ago
To me is a matter of personality. Voting for him after he's shown to be scummy (not talking about what they -say- of him. Look at what he says about HIMSELF in his interviews and he's a piece of crap...) tells me that the one voting for him either LIKES that kind of attitude, or has no critical thinking skills... and I rather avoid such people.

They can vote for him, I won't mind. I just don't want them near me.
They have their choice, they can do it, I just don't like that kind of person XD
4 months, 1 week ago
Remember, there are a fair number of people here that grew with the overgrown Oompa-Loompa, we grew up with him, we loathe and despise him, we know him
4 months, 1 week ago
EXACTLY THIS!!! I am SO SICK of people who are like, "UGH, I am just here to fap and you being poor and sad is killing my boner".

Fuck you? Jesus...

I am also on board with people voting for Trump simply getting out of my house. I am trans, they are literally voting to have me lose my HRT, made illegal, have my gender and name change reversed, possibly jailed, possibly killed.
4 months, 1 week ago
I dunno, I kinda get it? I basically don't post much about my own issues on here cause aside from that one time I took a big hiatus for health reasons since I just don't wanna trouble people with shit that isn't related to the art. No reason for everyone to know all my personal nonsense.

Different perspectives I guess.
4 months, 1 week ago
You have to have luxuries to not say anything to anybody. It's also a stupid misguided toxic masculinity thing to never open up.

I lack luxuries, and I don't need to prove anything since I'm a woman.
4 months ago
Yeah, I just dont agree at all. I don't see how that's toxic, at least in my situation. Given, yours may be different enough that its not really comparable.
But I don't think I'd publicly post about my issues unless it was something that would affect commission work or I was actually dying or something, since I figure people would at least wanna know why I dissapeared.  
4 months ago
Frankly I don't care that you think you're a better or smarter person for that. Stop talking to me like you're my father, it's really getting under my skin.
4 months, 1 week ago
I'm not fond of unwatching others. I feel that is too extreme.
However, you feel strongly about this, so I can only accept your ultimatum. I wish it did not have to be this way.
4 months, 1 week ago
Will do.
4 months, 1 week ago
100% agree dude :)

i make politics journals quite a lot but tbh i don't get those kind of comments lol

rarely do i get any comments at all in fact
4 months, 1 week ago
And done, goodbye.
4 months, 1 week ago
How do they not understand that voting for Trump is the same as voting to strip their own rights away?
4 months, 1 week ago
It's a good thing I have a child's soul and I don't care about politics, I prefer to watch cartoons, play video games and chat with my friends online, after a tiring day at work 🙂
4 months, 1 week ago
Happy to say that in three elections, I have not, nor will I EVER vote for or support Cheeto Benito.

I'll admit though, I'm getting tired of the text messages from the Democrat PACs.  I'm currently awaiting being awarded disability benefits, which can take up to three months before they start.  I'm kinda on a VERY limited income at the moment, and I'd rather be able to eat than send money to a candidate LMAO
4 months, 1 week ago
Wait did you post something political before this or what?

Also if I was american I'd vote Harris, Trump is even more insane than back in 2016.
4 months, 1 week ago
After literally yelling at the artist for posting a political journal, I LOLed when he replied "I'm just stating an opinion, I shouldn't be yelled at!"

Also, no, you had it right the first time, "Political leanings" are a smoke screen, and not even a good one.  It doesn't matter if you're voting for him because you like him, or if you just can't bring yourself to not vote Republican, you're still voting for a vile creature that doesn't even try to hid it, and voting for a party that seeks to establish a pseudo-Islamic state in the name of a deity that said all that should be put behind us
4 months, 1 week ago
Delete this
4 months, 1 week ago
Derp I meant delete this comment my bad
4 months, 1 week ago
I'm not going to vote for Trump because I don't live in the USA, but I support him ideologically.
But thanks to your words you have already shown me that you are rotten inside and you do not accept anyone different from you, so I take back my watch and see you never.
4 months, 1 week ago
i am nothing but a hypocrite i agree with you but will keep following for porn yay
4 months, 1 week ago
It's a valid point here because as you say, you can just not click the journal titled "Politics" and continue to enjoy the porn despite any differences, as long as the artist's politics doesn't start leaking into the art itself (many such cases!). On social media it's a bit different since everything goes into the same feed. A lot of artists don't have a separate twitter for their political venting so you just get their unfiltered stream of thought whether you like it or not, and the Media tab can only do so much. But that's why I never liked Twitter to begin with, and I wish artists would use sites with proper gallery features like IB.
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