You shouldn't pay a theRapist because you are lonely. I've seen "theRapy" ruin friends of mine, usually with prescriptions for "anxiety" or "depression" narcotics. I don't believe in "theRapy" and this is usually a highly censored viewpoint to express due to all the money and emotional manipulation propaganda used to suppress and censor my opinion. Therapy is big money, especially now that "data" is such a huge element of the fortune 500's advertisement.
It sounds like you just want friends to talk to~! x3
It might sound obvious, but maybe you should consider playing some video games which have some element of communication and in-game VOIP. It will get you talking and out of your shell. If you are good at the game, you will receive praise and I think people need some amount of encouragement. So yeah, consider a multiplayer skill-based game, maybe an esport? There's a few to choose from. Either way, money can't buy you an end to loneliness, only a good friend can~ <3
Also, I think it's cool how your art looks vaguely inspired by Weaselgrease. Am I crazy? x3
You shouldn't pay a theRapist because you are lonely. I've seen "theRapy" ruin friends of mine, usu