Heyall! So, right to business, effective immediately I'll be taking a hiatus from posting art and also being online in NSFW spaces. I expect to be gone for a week at minimum, but I've yet to sort out the plan for myself.
This is for my health, furry porn is supposed to be a source of comfort and fun, but recently it's been causing more and more stress due to a number of factors both in the online space and in my own life. Additionally, I want to share that I am at higher risk of addiction, and as it currently stands the time and activities I've been spending in this space have triggered multiple structured protocols I have in place to keep myself healthy. Don't worry, I am very capable of taking care of myself! Porn and NSFW content is a very personal, and stigmatized thing, and many of us cannot find support when faced with this issue. So, if you ever feel like your relationship with it is becoming unhealthy, set up your own action plan and protocols to take care of your health!
Thank you all for enjoying and jacking off to my works, especially the lurkers! It really means alot to me, I love doing it! I hope to be back with bigger and better projects soon!
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4 months, 1 week ago
24 Oct 2024 23:21 CEST