Hellloo small goblins in my puter! Itttts status update time!
Im back at consistently doing art again! And im having loaaads of fun doing it, I love making things that other people like within this small niche. I hope the art helps you in any way, as much as it helps me to make it.
In other news I have recently drawn two of the most topically relevant drawings I will ever draw ever. Dont get used to it, the Gamefreak leaks were the only recently relevant thing I will ever draw. But my efforts towards drawing the popular thing were rewarded!! With nearly 1200 combined Favorites on E621, and a decent chunk of followers towards my Inkbunny (Hi new people!!!) The Typhlosion art will be the most popular thing I draw for a long time, and im not really one to chase trends so I will be going back to drawing my favorite little guys in sad situations in haste!
I have officially opened commissions!!! In case anybody missed it, this is the first time I have got a commission sheet up HERE if your interested! I love doing commissions because I get to draw other people's messed up ideas, drawing new things is good for me because it means I get to practice working with unfamilliar ideas!
I have started a new series! This one is about a trainer and his Braixen boyfriend. I have some fun ideas for the comic series, I have it all mapped out and ready to go. With my last (And first) comic I made, the Eevee one. I had only worked on that series from start to finish, by the end I was starting to get tired of drawing it. So I think the way to keep myself wanting to do art is to take low effort drawing breaks between panels. This means Snivyyy sketches in between panels!! (:< Also I need to draw the last panel for the Eevee one, been putting that off a little too long.
It sucks that I can no longer keep track of all the people that favorite my stuff now though ); I still remember alot of the people that were here early, but I want to be able to remember you all! Oh well I dont need to stalk each individual persons profile evvvery time! I did see a guy with a KFC profile picture though, dont think im ever forgetting that guy.
But thats it! Im having fun, im working on a new series, and I am very mr. popular.
Love you (conditionally) tiny computer people! See you next time I write a cool status report in like 4 months!