Hey friends, just wanted to let you know that I'm taking a break for a bit. Life has been
getting pretty hectic and time has been scarce. Don't worry, I'm not abandoning ship... I just need to
prioritize some real life stuff for a while.
I'll be back when I can, but no promises on when that'll be.
Thanks for your understanding.
In the future I will take requests for generated images.
if you request a image from me i will put it on a list and work on it when i have the time. I cannot guarantee that i will complete every request and i will work on them in the order i like, there is no first come first served.
if you want you can already send your request, my DMs and comments are open.
I have a bunch of lower quality pictures that would take too long to edit, but i think they are good enough that some of you might want to see them, but i don't want to spam this site and take space away from "real" artists.
so I had the idea to upload these images as "Friends Only", i would then accept all friend requests from anyone who is interested.
I would like to know what you think about that.
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5 months, 1 week ago
19 Oct 2024 22:01 CEST