I'm fully aware that I haven't been uploading any new art...along with having long lapses of silence between the previous one and the next. Best to explain my reasons behind this mess.💦
1.) So I took up a hobby towards Gunpla building. A month ago, I bought my first
Real Grade. And I've been putting a lot of effort into custom painting. A slow progress with how much I have to wait for the paint to dry (along with cleaning parts and whatnot), but glad that I'm pushing myself towards completing it.
2.) Yes, I've been putting a lot of attention towards my growing cast of alpacas. Finally, I have the full cast ready and post them later today. I hope that no one has been put off by the weird tastes applied to them
(nor my obsessiveness over them)...
Think that's all I have to say for now. Apologies if this comes off as an inconvenience to everyone. 🙏