Hi! It's been a while. How are you all doing?
College has finally started, and while it's been overwhelming, I feel like I'm learning a lot and already making a lot of progress. Not just in terms of my skills and proficiencies, but also as a person. It's been fun all in all!
To fund it, I have been toying with the idea of opening up comms soon. I'd probably alternate between YCH novelles, short stories and any other literary art you could dream of - preferably Hypno themed, but definitely not exclusively.
Additionally, I am flirting with a patreon, with the core drive for subscriptions being a cheap 1€ tier to get access to my discord server and (1 month? 2 weeks?) early access to my work(s).
Of course I would also consider a more expensive, 5€?, where you could pitch ideas or vote for a monthly patreon exclusive piece?
Maybe I would also add a third tier - price unsure - that gets access to everything I create during my 4 year studies. Of course, none of this work is furry smut
I would also like to do more Hypno files in the future but... Seeing how I have made precisely one (1) in four months, that's an unreasonable promise for the time being. That said, yes, I still plan to make more files in the future.
That said... there's also some music production shenanigans I've got going on that might be put under the third tier, more of which will come later... Either way, stay tuned!
As for my regular work, expect bi-weekly posts for the time being! I seem to be able to keep up that schedule quite nicely, which I'm happy with :)
That concludes this update, see you all soon!! Don't be afraid to let me know what you all think of... this whole ordeal lol
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6 months, 1 week ago
16 Sep 2024 22:04 CEST