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Proto-Draconian Seraph

I was a Seraph once, long ago.  I don’t remember what my name was, but I remember that I was one of the 12 Seraphim who ruled our people.  

You may recognize the words “Seraph” and “Seraphim.”  They come from the Holy Bible.  The “im” part at the end of “Seraphim” denotes plurality.  A single Seraph.  Multiple Seraphim.

According to the Bible they are angels, with six wings.  With two, they cover their faces, with two they cover their feet, and with two they fly.

What English Bibles don’t tell you is that the word “Seraph” literally translates as “Fiery Serpent.”  They’re dragons.

And they’re huge.   A single Seraph would be comparable in size to a current-day aircraft carrier.  The vacuum of outer space is their natural habitat.  They breathe air, but much like whales whose natural habitat is the ocean and must surface in order to breathe, the Seraphim must find pockets of gasses in order to breathe.  Their bodies are incredibly strong, their scales are impenetrable by most weapons.  If you’ve ever seen the Star Trek TOS episode “The Doomsday Machine” you might be able to picture just how terrifyingly impervious the Seraphim are to any kind of weapons from without.  Mr. Spock’s famous line “it’s hull is pure neutronium, there is no known way of blasting through it” can be just as easily adapted to the outer hide of the Seraphim... though I highly doubt they’re made of neutronium.

I actually remember more about the Seraphim than I do about the proto-draconians.  For one, I actually remember what the Seraphim called themselves, and that is the word I’ve been using for them: Seraphim.  

I remember them being a devout people, believing themselves to be the bastions of righteousness, the harbingers of the laws of the Almighty, the enforcers of the commandments of the Creator.  

These were not evil people by any stretch of the imagination.  Many had names you might be familiar with.  My best friend and only ally once I was cast out of the council was named Tiamat.  I simply called her “Tia” as we were very close to each other.  How close I couldn’t tell you, but what I can say is that I did the suicide ritual that I did mainly because she was the one who suggested it.  I trusted her judgment implicitly.  I had absolutely no reason to think she would lead me astray.

While I don’t know the name I used when I lived among them, my form was very similar to that of my Proto-Draconian form.  Sexually a hermaphrodite, by gender identity a female.  I had white scales, light blue eyes, and a blood red mane.  I remember the Seraphim fondly, and looking back I felt sadness at having to lead the Proto-Draconians to kill several of them.  But it had to be done.  If we hadn’t done that, they’d have wiped out all life on our planet with one single fireball.  I absolutely refused to stand by and let them murder an entire species for the sake of some convoluted idea of “purity.”

I’ve often wondered why the Seraphim, as mighty as they were, would have refrained from sending further expeditions to kill the Proto-Draconian people.  That battle was the only battle between the two races.  The Proto-Draconians have been around for about 75 quadrillion years, so it’s not like there was a dearth of opportunity.  No, the Seraphim simply chose not to fight them anymore.

I don’t claim to know what their actual reasons were as I had defected to the Proto-Draconians and therefore was no longer privy to the machinations of the Seraphic council.  However, I do remember how the Seraphim lived and thought.  As I said above, they were a devout people, believing themselves to be the servants of the Creator.  I’ve seen in this life that I’m currently living, devout Christians who believe they must impose Christian rules on secular society in order for Jesus to return and set up his kingdom.  These people are called “Dominionists” and they are quite frankly in the wrong.  Jesus himself never said to do any of the things that they seek to do, but they are still sincere in their beliefs.  As my former Fundamentalist pastor used to be fond of saying, “You can be sincere, and still be sincerely wrong.”  

And I think that’s what happened to the Seraphim.  They were sincere in their belief that they were divinely tasked with wiping out what they saw as an impure life form.  They went to do just that, but were beaten back, 13 of their number slain.  I believe that the entire council went out to fight the Proto-Draconians and all of them were killed in the battle.  I could be wrong, of course, but my memories suggest that those individuals would have been stubborn and would have pressed on even with those high casualties, had they survived.  They would have gone back to their home world, regrouped, and come back with the entire Seraphic population if they could convince them to join the fray.  That they didn’t suggests that those council members were all killed, and were replaced by individuals who saw the defeat as a message from on high that they were in the wrong.

Many people like to talk about dragons as being arrogant, and indeed we can be.  The Seraphim are dragons and are quite capable of being full of themselves.  But dragons are also known for their fierce loyalty to those they serve.  They don’t serve in a master/slave type relationship, but they serve that which they respect.  They don’t see themselves as less than the Creator of All Things, even though they are its creations.  They serve the Creator because they respect the Creator, and I believe that those that died that day were sincere in their desire to serve the Creator.  But just like my pastor used to say, they were sincerely wrong.  And they paid for that error with their lives.

In short, my belief is that the Seraphim, who see themselves as servants of the Creator’s will, broke off hostilities with the Proto-Draconians because they saw their defeat at the hands of the Proto-Draconians as a message from the Creator, that they were the ones in the wrong.  Their ending of hostilities was the result of their repentance for what they had done.  

Lily, who is a spirit guide to me in this life, told me recently that when I became a Proto-Draconian, I retained a portion of my former Seraphic self.  That in order to be able to know they were coming and to know how to defeat them I needed to retain that part of myself so I could stay connected to them and their mentality.  Looking at my current life I can’t help but completely agree with her.  I see the Proto-Draconians as my people.  I adore them, I would do almost anything for them.  My beliefs and behavior, however, are Seraphic in nature.  I believe I have a higher calling, and that I am still a servant of the Creator’s will even to this very day.

It was my devotion to the will of the Creator that compelled me, as a member of the Seraphic Ruling Council, to oppose a genocidal war against the Proto-Draconians.  He created life, all of it, and didn’t consider any of it to be an abomination.  Those who seek to impose the will of God on others often forget that the Creator’s will is all around us, in every animal, every insect, every hybrid, every freak of nature.  All of it is his will.   Life, no matter what form it takes, is his will.  That evolution created a part-mammal Reptilian race was his will.  He created it all, and its continued existence as it is and will become is his will.  The slaughtering of innocents goes against that will.  It assumes that we know better than God does what God intended when God created.  The truth of such imposition is that the person doing it isn't actually serving God, but rather their own personal belief about what they think God should be.  So while your imposition of what you believe is the Creator’s will is sincere, it’s still sincerely wrong.

So Lily was right.  While my heart is very much Proto-Draconian, my soul, the essence of who I am, is Seraphim.  I love my people, but I serve the same higher calling now that I did all those eons ago.
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Added: 3 days, 1 hr ago
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