Haio! Voretober is still a little less than 3 weeks away, but I'd like to try and do something special for it, and I figure it's better not to leave it off for the last minute to make plans X3
One thing I've been enjoying a lot recently is doing 5 minute phone doodles every once-and-a-while or to start out the day (if you're on the (Subscribestar) you can already request a doodle each month). So I thought it would be fun to maybe start out each day in October by doing a quick daily doodle in the morning before I get out of bed :3c But, I looked into the Voretober prompts and they're pretty broad and I wasn't feeling particularly inspired by them.
So.. you all should give me prompts instead! X3
Here are the rules:
★ I'll compile a list of prompt ideas on Aryion and on other sites, and starting in October, each morning I'll pick one that seems fun and draw it quickly. I'll try to post one fingerpainting sketch each day :3
★ I'm drawing these quickly on a phone by touch, so they can't be too complicated. See https://aryion.com/g4/search.php?q=&tags=fingerpain... for some examples of the level of detail I can do. So these can't be full scenarios or stories. It should be an idea that can be expressed in a single panel.
★ Prompts can contain OCs, but please try to keep the complexity limits above in mind. There's a limit to how complicated I can make an OC in a short amount of time drawing with my finger X3 If your prompt does include an OC, please link to a ref sheet alongside your prompt.
★ A prompt should be one sentence and 25 words or less.
★ Prompts can be SFW or NSFW, endo or fatal. Prompts don't need to be vore-focused, but it is Voretober, so I'm going to prioritize the prompts that are (although it's pawbably not news that I also have a weakness for other pred/prey scenarios and domination scenarios) X3
★ Limit two prompts per person/critter, but if I don't get a lot of prompts I might raise that (or add some of my own). I'll prioritize fluffers I haven't gotten to yet before doing a second prompt from the same submitter. There's no guarantee that I'll get to everypony.
★ I'm not going to require submitting prompts publicly, but I would strongly encourage it. Comment them below! That gives other fluffers the ability to build on your ideas, and plus if I don't get to an idea you have, maybe another artist will see it and take a stab at it, who knows?
★ The idea with these is to be fun, so feel free to chime in with support for ideas you'd also like to see or to collaborate with other beans on prompt ideas <3 Please keep everything pawsitive though :3
★ If there are more than 31 ideas, I'll pick them out and based on which ones are most interesting or funny to me X3
★ The same content rules as my normal commissions apply. That means no underage characters (even in SFW situations), bodily substances like scat shouldn't touch prey, and no "circle-of-life" talk from fatal predators (fatal predators are welcome to be cruel, teasy, or enthusiastic though). If you're in doubt about an idea, just ask about it! I pawmiss I won't be mad at you for asking clarification on whether an idea fits into my rules <3
★ Inkbunny Addition: Generally I don't draw much with humans, but I should note that if any ideas involving humans come up, they won't be uploaded to Inkbunny since NSFW humans are against site rules, and I don't want to guess what the line is between fetish and NSFW. Those pictures will still be visible on my other socials though <3
Over on the Subscribestar I'll also add an additional finger painting sketch for supporters during October.
Sure! If it's a character that another artist or community member owns, I'll want to make sure that I have pawmission to draw them. But characters from other media properties, Pokemon, etc are all fine <3
Sure! If it's a character that another artist or community member owns, I'll want to make sure that