Been a while since I've posted a journal on here. Well, I'm not dead! just more active on my substar and socials.
Since we're nearing the final lap of Acquired Taste I figured I'd give a bit of an overview of where we're at and whatnot.
- As of writing, I've finished 31 pages for the public, all in HD for supporters - Supporters have gotten up to 21 WIP previews and counting - We're currently at page 38 on the sub, and upon review we've got about a dozen to go, coming in at roughly 52 in total
While I don't intend to rush per se, it would be nice to get the rest of the sketch pages out to subscribers before Halloween, considering that's where it started, and finished pages for the public will hopefully continue at a more consistent pace.
Ah yes, I remember that. x3 Well, good thing it started and it's going awesome! Hope you're letting yourself rest and enjoying doing it as much as we enjoy following the plot and smut. :3
Ah yes, I remember that. x3 Well, good thing it started and it's going awesome! Hope you're letting