I've spent the last few days uploading my art backlog. This included 16 new pieces and even more recolors. All of my youtube sprite pictures also got an update that removed all of the iconography that was way too busy-looking while making the vest itself also rubbery. I'm very pleased that I was able to finally get this done! Note to guest users: if you'd like to see my adult content without making an account, you can make it appear by changing your Allowed Settings.
On recoloring: this was mostly done over a year ago, I just never got around to re-uploading images. All of this recoloring was done with the express permission of the respective artists. Originally, Blum had a very ugly green tint. I couldn't un-see it after a cat named Pierce brought it to my attention. Blum's new colors are based on the Pantone values of real latex sheeting colors that are commercially available from a company called Supatex. The purpose of this, besides the colors looking better, is to ensure that when a latex Blum suit is eventually made, the costume should 1:1 match the artwork of the character color-wise.
This is the first time since sometime last year that my executive function has felt like cooperating with me for any length of time. For those who don't know: in addition to my bipolar disorder and Asperger syndrome, I also have fairly bad ADHD. This makes it nearly impossible for me to remain consistent with long-term projects or even basic housework at times. I believe that in part the only reason that I was able to consistently able to upload to YouTube 1-2 times a month when I started my channel is that I wasn't working at the time, and had a lot of opportunities to get back on track. It's a very stressful and inconvenient state of affairs given all of my ambitions to write stories and make videos (not to mention my life goal of making a video game). I'm contemplating trying to get on something to improve my executive function in general, but I'm apprehensive about the prospect of getting physically addicted to government-approved meth.