Yep, Dragoneer is gone. No, I'm not going to spend a lot of time kicking up flowers on his grave... people were tired of me complaining about him even when he was alive. The rose-colored glasses of loss will not make people more receptive to my gripes.
However, I would advise against thinking this will result in a re-evaluation of FurAffinity's antagonistic attitude toward babyfurs. We'll still be the scapegoats of choice for whoever steps into that leadership role, because they were responsible for the increased aggression against us in the first place. My recommendation is to leave the site and find a more stable outlet for your artwork, because it's not likely to stick around on FurAffinity, whether or not FA closes due to financial difficulties.
More than ever, it's time to pull up stakes and find a new home. Whether you're here or on Weasyl or the recently revived Babyfur.ME or just posting on social networks, it won't be the same as it was in the dubious glory days of FurAffinity. Then again, Twitter was never the same after it was sold to Elon Musk, either. This era of the internet is over.
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7 months ago
08 Aug 2024 02:04 CEST