Everyone has been asking my opinion about Neer's death for hours now up till it had happened and announced.
Look I know we both had our differences on subjects, individuals, and the community in whole. We never saw eye to eye on things but we respected one another's realms we managed in the furry fandom. We would see one another at conventions and we respected our distances to one another within those events. We did at a point leave those indifferences aside and focused on ourselves we respected one another in the end.
I don't think anyone deserves to die in any shape or form even if a bitter distaste is left on anothers mind about a person is imprinted. (The excepition to that of them actually killing another human & animal or violating them physically) - then I can understand those actions. "to be clear if you are hunting animals for food and survival as long as your aren't being an asshole about it - we have to live & It doesn't bother me"
There are many factors going on that lead to this outcome and it is disturbing to most as it is a common thing to happen in reality and destroys people's fantasy about being free and an adult and so forth then it comes crashing all down once you realize how shitty humanity can be to one another. Dragoneer didn't derserve to die the way he did. It shows allot of neglect that is happening world wide and not just to the USA. It is a world wide issue. And just because a country or region isn't reporting about it doesn't mean it isn't happening under your noses.
Do I think things could have been handled allot differently - YES.
Do I think the outcome would have been different - Probably Not. - But he would have had some comfort before passing.
If you know anyone that has health issues and struggles to get help. Lend a hand and put differences aside. There's only 1. Earth. 1. Human Body we get to control and a legacy we are allowed to leave behind and impact on others. If you see it in your heart to help others then help them.
"Don't let politics dictate how we as humans should live & let live. We aren't wild animals anymore. We are Sophisticated thinking machines and are capable of wonderful beautiful things to share with others and other species. One day we all wont exist anymore. So let something else know that we didn't all live like monsters".
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7 months ago
07 Aug 2024 20:12 CEST