(pasted from FA post)
Alright, I am only doing ever so slightly better but not by very much every since i was diagnosed with anemia about two months ago which i still very much have but am doing all i can to get through it with high amounts of iron intake etc but i am still extremely tired day in and day out while i do my best to remain awake. In the process of doing so, i am slowly forcing myself (with help from friends) to try and get back into drawing even though i have all but lost nearly all motivation to do so along with being extremely fatigued but im glad to say i have not lost my artistic ability like i assumed i would have from not being able to draw for so long and some good friends are pushing me to draw more and regain my motivation by doodling a few things of interest and so on even though the whole AI theft is everywhere which makes me not even want to bother putting out new material just to feed the machines so i am still debating on if i will remain later down the road but at least as of now i think i am getting my spark back to tackle drawing again. It will be a slow but sure return for now as i try my best to get more stuff done and worked on....for long as i can remain awake and my energy does not magically vanish like it tends to do.
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7 months, 3 weeks ago
07 Aug 2024 15:05 CEST