That thing's a scammer, right? long story short : someone told me they had mass-reported me, I had to contact a "moderator" in order to not get IP banned, and when I asked said "moderator" how changing my email would prove I'm not a cryptoscammer, it instantly resorted to threats and wished me good luck. Don't fall for this, kids
(in case I do get banned I'll stand corrected and take the L but as it stands I doubt it)
A classic scam, older than Discord itself. No one is ever going to make an account to contact you if they are an actual mod or owner or whatever -- no one in charge of these apps is going to have you sending your account information through DMs or through the app in general. They would be contacting you in an email to tell you that you are banned, or issue a warning directly to your account and refer to their ticketing system.
I don't even use Discord (because it's not actually private like they say it is), but I do use Telegram and these types of scams are common there as well. I mean this is probably the oldest phishing trick in the book.
Something I have heard of recently is Discord account hijacking viruses and they basically hijack your Discord for use is taking a bunch of other data off your computer, especially the browser.
You shouldn't respond to these messages, that just confirms to them that you're inexperienced and that the account is actively used. That will probably get you on one of the lists that they circulate/sell to each other for use in targeting you more.
A classic scam, older than Discord itself. No one is ever going to make an account to contact you i
Wjat makes it more effective is the social engineering aspect, it was someone on my friends list who messaged me with the instructions to contact the fake mod, complete with a fake screenshot of an email. In retrospect, it's obvious that their account had been hacked, but when I received it it sounded believable. That's why I talked to that fake mod, which at the very least enabled me to report them (the account's been active for five years).
Wjat makes it more effective is the social engineering aspect, it was someone on my friends list who
If you clicked any links or downloaded anything then you might have a problem regarding passwords and stuff. If you didn't actually click any links you're probably fine.
In like 2014-2016 when I was doing a lot of CSGO trading I saw a lot of these types of scams (since fixed for CSGO/steam). One example would be they spell the url wrong but extremely similar. For example instead of "steamcommunity" it was "steamcornmunity" (co"RN") and then the url would take you to a page which would look like a regular login page, except they steal your account once you enter your username and password.
If all you did was use regular Discord to search for the user yourself then you're probably fine. If you clicked a link that looked like a discord url, you might want to go re-read it to be sure. Again, I don't use Discord so I'm not familiar with how things really work there, but the scam itself is nothing new. x3
If you clicked any links or downloaded anything then you might have a problem regarding passwords an
Had five of these people messaging me this year so far, it's a scam. Some of them were friends, some were artists, they must have fallen for it and lost their accounts, and the scammer was going through their friend list.
Well that particular chain stopped there, and hopefully discord will get my report I sent them, this fake mod has been active since 2019. If they at least have to make a new one it's always time they won't scam someone else with.
Well that particular chain stopped there, and hopefully discord will get my report I sent them, this
Yes, it definitely looks like a scam. No legitimate mod will ask you to change your email or threaten you in this way. If you're worried about your IP being exposed while doing stuff like this, you can check out ways to hide your ip, like which goes into detail. This helps keep your information private. Always be wary of anyone who claims they can prevent you from getting banned. Be safe and don't fall for this sketchy tactic!
Yes, it definitely looks like a scam. No legitimate mod will ask you to change your email or threate