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Rules for my stories

Even though I've been writing for a while, I've had some mental rules I created early on. Guidelines that I set for what I wouldn't and would do. And I've added to those rules over the years. So I wanted to let it be known those rules to help you better understand my stories.

1: Mickey and Minnie will always be a couple. I won't do stories where they are with someone else or end up with someone  else. I don't do crack or slash pairings, or couples cheating on or  being unfaithful to one another. They'll never break up, get divorced, be with or end up with someone else. They'll never even think of anyone  else. I will NOT not write about them or either of them having a polygamy or polyamory relationship. They will always have a closed  relationship in my stories. I believe in loyalty and devotion, and the  mice will always be a couple and never be with anyone else. Period.

2: The mice (Mickey and Minnie) will always be on model. They will always have their cartoon and comic book appearances in my  stories. I don't make changes to their appearance to make them different  from their normal official look. So no taller characters, as in human  height, no buff, no human like physic, no longer hair for Minnie, and no big chest for Minnie either. No changes made to their physical  appearance from the comics, cartoons and regular merchandise.

3: Minnie stays flat chested.  This goes along with number 2, but I wanted to make this specific. Minnie will never have a big chest in my stories. She will always be  flat, like her cartoon and comic appearances. I may give her a small chest occasionally, but it would be small, no bigger than a small B-cup. Otherwise, she's an A-cup through and through.

4: The mice will be in character, and rarely be out of character: When I write, I always try to keep the mice as in character as possible. I never deliberately write them being OOC (out of character). Regardless  of the type of story or universe, I always try to keep them being the  same. Though stories may have them be a little out of character, like  for a alternate universe story or as part of a story, I still want them  to be as in character and true to themselves as possible.

5: The mice won't have kids. They don't want kids and are happy a childless couple: Apart from two stories I've done, Three Hearts, One Love and Family, I won't be writing stories of the mice having kids. I find it more interesting to write them as not wanting kids and it just being the two of them. I find it a fun and unique setup with some fun possibilities that I  couldn't do with them having kids. Plus, I write for the mice, not their kid who would be a OC. So no kids for the mice.

6: Some negative character traits won't be written about.  There are certain traits the mice have displayed before that I won't be  writing about. For Mickey, for example, him pranking Minnie to make her  thing he was going to propose, or going off on an adventure when Minnie  is already upset with him without talking it out. And for Minnie, trying to get Mickey to settle down with a steady job, like she has in  older comics, and getting angry with him over simple things like she has  in older, and a few newer, comics, and not working or talking things  out.

I won't be writing about these traits of the mice. I'd like  to think they learned their lesson and know each well enough now to not  repeat these things. I'm not comfortable with those more negative  aspects and would like to write about them showing character development  and having moved past them. Some of the best comics that show the mice  having willing adventures together, working together as a team and  having each other's backs while still having a romantic moment is the  kind of writing I like, and what I want to capture when I write. So the  negative traits of their personalities I won't be writing about.

7: I don't do fetish stories.  So no inflated, buff, big, overweight, human being transformed into one  of the mice, feet, diaper, fart, vore, fat, tied up characters,  pregnant, that sort of thing. If that's your thing, that's fine, that's  you. But I don't do fetish stuff in my stories. I write stories for fun,  not to appeal to someone's fetish.

8: No use of alcohol or drugs of any kind.  The mice don't use them in cartoons or comics, so they're not using  them in my stories. It also just wouldn't feel like the mice to me if I  had them use them. I may reference them in stories, but they won't be  consumed by the mice. I just don't feel it's the mice.

9: No bad language, unless played off for a comedic effect.  I won't have the mice cuss, unless, like in comics, it's used for a  moment of anger and comedic effect. The mice don't cuss, and only in a  few times in comics have they cussed, but it was bleeped out. So I won't  have them cuss like it's a natural thing. If I do, it will be bleeped  out like a comic book. For example, having Pete or Dexter Dingus say,  "You @#$%*!", like they have in older, and some modern, comics. Or having the mice say something like, "What the @#$% am I doing here?!" if  they're really mad. Again, bleeped out for comedic effect. Otherwise,  no cussing. It also wouldn't feel like the mice to me if I had them do  so. I also don't write abuse stories, with physical or mental abuse.

10: No gore, unless used as part of a story, never as a fetish.  I don't write about gore, unless it is part of a story for some reason.  I won't do it for a fetish or shock factor. It will have to be a part  of a story for me to do it.

11: My fics are mostly set in the comic universe. Most of my stories will be set in the comics universe due their being more lore, locations and characters that can be featured.

12: I don't do soap opera stories, a lot of angst, or hard dramas.  I hate conflict and confrontation, so I just do them as least as  possible. So no stories where the mice argue and it's a long time before  they make up, or there's tension between them and they don't work  things out or talk it out. Forget it. And no soap opera like stories  with multiple relationship things going on. Don't even go there.

13: My fics will always have happy endings.  I can still write some drama and angst, but I prefer to keep it at a  limit. Even if a story has a bittersweet ending, you can be assured the  mice will always be together at the end. And when a story does have  drama and angst, it won't drone on for long. Stories will have happy  endings regardless of what goes on in the story.

14: I write both regular and mature stories with the mice.  I can do one just as easy as the other. And I can see the mature stuff  being just as much a fun, quirky, and comical part of the mice  relationship as much as the regular stuff. I can do both wholesome, no  intimacy stuff, and full blown intimacy. I can do one just as well as  the other. And I like to do both types of stories. I don't write about  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ABCs and 123s. I don't write stories for kids. If  you only want to read non mature stuff, then that's fine. But I like to  do both and I want to do both.

15: I don't write stories about OCs, just the mice.  The mice are the primary focus. By this, I mean I won't write a story that has several OCs in it and the story jumps back and forth between them. Nor will I put in an OC that is part of the main story. I focus on the mice. Background characters won't be a center of focus. I won't have the mice have a kid, then write a story that focuses  on their kid in school. And I won't write about someone going to the Disney universe and interacting with the mice. No, the mice will always be the center of focus in my fics.

16: No politics. I don't write about politics. If I write about politics, it will be fictional and part of the story itself. I will never let politics be a reason for a story,  or use my stories to further a personal political view. I want to keep  politics fully out of my stories as they have no place in them. If and  when politics are a part of the story, it will be a part of the  story. Like a corrupt mayor, or figure head, or someone. Or have the  mice partake in a rebellion against a president or save a president.  It will be story focused and will not reflect my own political views. I  will keep my personal, and other worldly, political views, out of the  story. I don't write propaganda. So no politics unless it's part of  the story, and it in no way reflects my views or others. So you won't be  reading anything political from me. If someone eats, sleeps and breathes politics, go ahead. But keep it out of stuff where it isn't warranted. I don't do politics.

17: No modern world views, ideologies, societal or social views.  I refuse to write anything about modern world views or ideologies.  Again, I don't use my fics to push a personal goal or view of mine or anyone else's. I keep my views on things, and other people's, out of my  stories as I believe they have no place in them. I can tell stories  without including or using what's going on in the minds of people today,  and that's what I'm going to stick with. So you won't be reading  anything pertaining to modern views or ideologies from me. I'm not having the mice support a thing, group or organization just to push it  or show support.

I'm not going to avoid writing about Minnie being a  damsel in distress and being rescued by Mickey just because some people  think it shouldn't be done today. I'm still writing about that scenario.  I'm not having them use an electric car because it's good for the environment. I'm not going to avoid writing about cops like Chief O'Hara because some people don't like cops today. I'm not going to write about the  mice being afraid of guns because people don't like them. I don't blend  that modern world view stuff with my stories. I don't push an idea or  belief, I just write to tell fun stories. Not to appeal to one  particular person, group or demographic. I write the same as I always have and that's what I'm going to keep doing.

18: I don't do commissions or requests. I  have bad anxiety. It's hard enough at times to write the stories I want  to, between work and life things, I really don't want to add to my  anxiety by writing something someone else wants. I've always been used  to the creative freedom of just writing whatever I wanted to or felt  like. I really don't want to add to the stress and anxiety by taking on  works others want me to do.

19: My stories focus on the mice, not other characters. I don't write stories about other characters. My fics focus on the mice. Sure, there are a lot of other characters I like, not just the mice. But for writing, I focus on the mice.

20: I don't write something if I feel uncomfortable about it, or if it goes against my personal moral beliefs. Simply put, if I don't feel comfortable writing something, I won't do it.

Also, it's not a rule, but in terms of  ages, I myself envision the mice to be young adults, both in their  early 20s. Mickey, 22 or 21. Minnie, 20 or 21. Donald, 23. Daisy, 22.  Goofy, around 38 to 41. That's just my personal thought. Some people  picture the mice in their 30s or 40s. However old you see them as is  completely you and totally fine with me. I just picture Minnie being 20  or 21 and Mickey 21 or 22. Going by older comics where Goofy and Chief O'Hara called them kids, and Mickey was told he was too young to join  the army. So I imagine they're young enough that people call them kids, but just old enough to be adults.

These are rules I set for me to follow, and so others know what to expect with my stories. Happy reading!
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Added: 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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