Bwah! Yeah sorry for not being active, work has been kinda insane the last few months.
My manager retired in February and I was officially promoted March 1st. The guy we promoted to do my job did not work out and was let go at the end of May. We were unable to find a replacement until last week and a lot of my students went off for summer jobs or just left. Needless to say there's been a lot of training new hires and lots of extra hours on my end. Oh, and drawing sucks cause everyone hates what I make and are very vocal about it so I dont want to draw what I like to draw. But whatever.
The point of the journal! I'll be in Edmonton next week for Fur-EH!. This'll be the 2nd convention ever that i'll be going to that's actually in my country and my first time ever flying domestic. And actually, this will be my first time seeing another canadian province other than my own. Meanwhile to date i've been in 9 states...
I'll be in suit at least one of the days so keep an eye out for me in ==>Kiyomi<==. If you see me there say hi and come take a pic =3.
Anyway hopefully i'll kick the funk soon and start producing again...till then!