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E621 help

With E621 removing anything vaguely human, around 400 of Soulcentinel's and mine's art got removed. This is going to take some time to upload to new places and update the links. If you see any of the links on here don't work, please leave a comment so I can find them easier.

If you have any suggestions for a replacement site that would be useful too.
E621 had a pool system that allowed easy organization of comics, as well as allowing file types IB doesn't. I can try to upload pictures simply to baraag but that won't work for comics and some things. It also requires an account I believe.

This heavily impacts my ability to upload certain content, and I'll need time to fix stuff.
Apologies for any delays.
Viewed: 471 times
Added: 1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Wait they just banned humans?
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Yes, apparently they used a bot to do it so some things like Olivia and Gadget also got hit accidentally...
1 month, 3 weeks ago
These websites need to learn that using an AI for moderation is extremely fuckin stupid
1 month, 3 weeks ago
While I don’t agree with the policy change I do 100% agree with the use of a bot. Do you have any idea how many man hours it would take to go though every image on that site that has ever been uploaded and manually ban? A bot is absolutely the right call on this one. The issue is when bots are used and there is no path to get human review.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I don't care it is never the right call
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Lol they blocked me. XD
1 month, 3 weeks ago
that's really funny and kinda sad. gotta love people like that.
frankly anyone paying attention to U.S. politics and how it has affected e621 should not be surprised by any of this--enraged yes, but not surprised. And certainly not surprised e621 was forced to use a script to flash-fire the website. The internet is getting scary fast, and I fully imagine that the e621 teams felt it was risking the wrath of higher powers to waste any time doing things the slow and humane way--and the e621 teams are still going to moderate the deleted images by hand anyway, it is just after the fact. That isn't an excuse, but rather, a good indication that they didn't want this anymore than anyone else did because if they were truly just being lazy, they wouldn't be working to rectify the collateral damage of the initial censorship!

This kind of thing is easier to see with individuals instead of websites, but I'd dare to compare it to what happened to bunnybits--they had to move from France to Japan and now have to work with censorship laws, and some people got mad at bunnybits for subjected to censorship anyway instead of being understanding that the artist freaking had to move across the freaking planet just to keep drawing.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I went digging through the thread where they announced the rule change and they mentioned business partners not wanting heat.

This is pure speculation but my guess is that they were fine with it but their hosting provider pulled the rug out from under them and told them they have X amount of time to comply or they are terminating the their account. Without proper time to find and migrate 17 years worth of content to another hosting provider that would be a death sentence.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
agreed! cheers!
1 month, 3 weeks ago
wasn't a bot. it was an automatic tag command purge. if it was tagged in a certain way, the command nuked it. they are working on restoring false positives.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
That's what a bot program is -_-
1 month, 3 weeks ago
No... A bot analyzes and makes the decision itself. A script just looks for something within text parameters hard set in the code and performance an action if it matches.

An example would be this: you tell the site to "show you porn you'll like" and the site displays images based on your site history, that's a bot. If you use Inkbunny search for a particular tag like a character name, the site is just using a script.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
If it also banned images of Gadget the Mouse it's not a script it's an AI that's too stupid to tell the difference and they had to disable it and this cover their asses
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Bro it is not a bot they just deleted everything with a certain combination of tags

young human rating:q rating:e plus some more

e621 doesn't use any AI for moderation
1 month, 3 weeks ago
So why was several pictures with 0 humans or human tags deleted?
1 month, 3 weeks ago
the list probably included humanoid and the other banned species in the list

do you have an example
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Chances are the method they used to delete images does not actually delete any of the data but instead just delists it. If they were forced to act quickly by some 3rd party (be they a government or business partner) it makes more sense to nuke everything and try to restore any false positives after the fact than it does to not nuke enough and risk getting in trouble while they spend months figuring out what they missed.

While I do not like their new policy, I agree with their approach even if it does kinda suck for people caught in the crossfire. If I was in their position I would have handled deletions the same way.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
they didn't even do a good job, there's a lot of stuff still up there that is tagged both "young" and "human"
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Hey welcome to Island of misfit toys! Don't mind Tarzan over there he's a lil self touchy.. so the wokeis tossed you out too huh? Well then welcome brother! ☺️ You're among your fellow misfits now. Those who can't follow lead.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
" DownThePipes wrote:
Wait they just banned humans?

Young Humanoids.
Creatures that are very obviously not human have been effected.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Rule 34 seems to still allow human stuff on it. Dennis X Winnie porn is there for instance.

1 month, 3 weeks ago
R34 has a rule against loli technically, they are just slow as hell to remove it.
They have done multiple mass tag based deletes in the past.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Alts can be gelbooru however no toddlers
There is also all the fallen you shouldn’t have any problems with them as far as I know.

These sites may also already have some of your missing humans
1 month, 3 weeks ago
All the fallen
 330 tagged as loli with out the furry tag
1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I think there's two versions of R34, the .xxx version, which doesn't allow loli (but has much better tagging), and the paheal version, which has images of a loli Gwen Tynnison that have been up since 2007, so I'm assuming they do allow loli, but has shit-tier tagging.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
paheal does not allow loli and has done mass deletes but are just very slow
1 month, 3 weeks ago
If by slow you mean, "they have yet to do so since almost two decades ago" then yes, they are very slow.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
There is a red banner at the top of the page when you visit it.talking about the rules against underage content Link (the  link in the banner is broken tho lol)

"1.5. Do not post erotic/pornographic toddlerkon (drawn images of toddlers), realistic 3d renderings of underage characters, lolicon/shotacon or any images where the character depicted is clearly a child. We consider any character that appears pre-pubescent or underaged, even just in terms of body proportions, to violate this rule. Canon age is not relevant; many pics adjust age up or down. Non-human drawings are exempt." Link

also the notes page was dedicated to it and still kinda is link

so yes it is banned and they have done deletion sprees they just don't want to, or are just really bad at finding them lol

cub is fine there but this is about humans anyways.

1 month, 3 weeks ago
Maybe Gelbooru then?
1 month, 3 weeks ago
That's the shittier R34.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I heard about that, getting harder to get lolis
1 month, 3 weeks ago
FA maybe?
1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
This is so fucking stupid. Just fucking allow all art. I mean Inkbunny says there's legal reasons for not allowing human, apparently the country the servers are in has some stupid laws about that, but a site that doesn't have this issue should just allow anything that isn't real photos or similarly... risky/ethically questionable/probably illegal kind of material.

I get that e621 wants to be a furry site, and I have no problem with that being their primary focus, but there's enough furry-adjacent human stuff to justify allowing it.

Godsdamn fucking art witch hunts, I swear to dog.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
honestly seeing conversations they were fine with the art ,but the host servers basically went "you got x amount of time to purge this or the website is deleted" or something like that
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Ah, so it's not actually their fault. Thank you for the information.
Transfer the anger in my previous statement to the actual physical server owners, then.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
yeah. that being said they did say they are keeping the deleted images archived. so if things change or if they switch to a diffrent host that is more lax about things they said they'll pop right back up.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Just let all art get posted regardless. Don’t liss people off just because you have an issue with it.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
ExHentai is an option that's overlooked sometimes. If you want a place for comics and a bulk archive, it's a good choice.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I wouldn't have the mental energy to deal with that many broken links and reuploads. I feel so bad for all of you. I wish you lots of luck and support and lets hope baraag can stay stable and things don't get worse...

I'm getting a little worried my country is going to get around to banning call cub and underage content, and really worried they won't stop there. The people who want to ban this kind of stuff will turn around and attack LGBTQ stuff and anything NSFW in general when they feel like they can get away with it.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
ATFBooru is your best bet, DAGASI posts there also
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Apparently they're getting attacked by the antis and made a very rushed decision on the matter. Currently they are getting a TON of negative feedback in the forums. Hopefully enough that they'll reverse the decision
1 month, 3 weeks ago
First it was FA, then it was SoFurry, and now E621.

All these sites just spontaneously out of the blue deciding to ban specific types of artwork, leading to mass purges of many of my favorite images that I can never track down an alternate source for.

This shit is one of the reasons why I started saving my favorites folder to multiple USB drives.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I know that feeling man.
So much art has been lost over the years.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Had to delete a 15 Chapter story that had been up on SoFurry for years, because the characters in the story were considered underage.

Even though part of the world building I had established for the story, was that people who could use magic aged slower than normal.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
You mean purge happy regressive woke fascists are brainlessly purge happy? Who'da thunk? 🤔
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Personally, I'm more pissed that they just spontaneously decide to spring these active purges on us, despite tolerating said artwork for many years.

SoFurry gave me a 2 weeks notice to alter my story, or else delete it, or I would face punishment for having underage characters depicted in an adult story.

Obviously, there was no way I was going to be able to rewrite 15 fucking chapters in 2 weeks, and I would have had to retcon the previously established lore as well.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
No surprise there. Those that call for tolerance are always the least tolerant.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
looking into it looks like they had no choice, the reason for this purge was because the hosting servers demanded it in a VERY limited amount of time or literally everything would have gotten erased so they had to act fast
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I'm surprised I wasn't expecting that that happened though they did say it was automoded
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I’m not gonna read all the comments to see if someone has suggested this, but baraag and/or aethy links work just fine for me. It might be a pain to reupload a lot of stuff, but at least going forward its probably the safest option. You might also try hiccears, it takes a minute to get approved to upload (in my case it was a couple weeks) but as a gallery site i feel like it might be easier to upload a large backlog.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
I liked your art but yeah e621 is just becoming tumblr
1 month, 3 weeks ago
The problem with making friends with Nazis is you can't. Sooner or later you dont heil Hitler with enough enthusiasm and they stick you with the Jews you hated just to please the mob. Whenever you have purge happy so called communities in the end they always eat eachother because there's no honor among thieves nor fascists.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
baraag does NOT require an account, but it's pretty crap since it doesn't allow tags, its not a booru, it's more like a copy of twitter in layout and UI, which for the sake of an art database sucks, and only lets you post 4 pics per post. That being said it might be the safest bet. There's the ATF booru but that's exclusively for cub/loli/shota content. There's sankaku but it requires an account to whitelist loli/shota and its mainly focused on japanese art. Everything else usually requires an account to whitelist or doesn't allow it.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Baraag is also the only thing that we have left.  ATF is... well, I wouldn't expect it to remain friendly for very long given the way that admins there have been behaving lately.  Let's just say that they are a little too friendly with the authorities.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Hey.. I've had jabarchives.com available for.. oh... 29 years... working on some gallery software updates now.. but eh.. I know people have sort of long forgotten us
1 month, 3 weeks ago
It's a good site and I would be recommending it more for offsite linking and posting.
But urm, the big things I need to upload like animations and larger files don't work.
I've got you bookmarked for when I can get the issues fixed ^^
1 month, 3 weeks ago
working on it.. did a lot of work today, will do more tomorrow when dev wakes back up in the Netherlands :P
1 month, 3 weeks ago
JAB is still alive?  Whoa, I haven't been back there in a couple decades.  I don't even know why I stopped looking.  My old account, whatever is was, is no doubt long gone, but I have found what I am going to spend the rest of the night doing.  Thanks, bro.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Well the gallery system is new on top of new, you probably didn't even SEE the old one :P Comment accounts are easy, Artists accounts are request.. But we where the first to even institute "folders" everyone else copied us HAHAHA
3 weeks ago
What happened between them and authorities? Are they agreeing to cops trying to crack down on cub enjoyers?
2 weeks, 6 days ago
They have been using an algorithm in their chat function to track people who use certain phrases and forwarding their information to the cops.  I know that pretty much every site does that now, but... remember when that sort of thing used to be the subject of dystopian sci-fi books?
2 days, 19 hrs ago
What? That sounds like something google or facebook or twitter might use. "Pretty much every site does that"? That's bloody insane if true.

Are they forced by law to do that or something? Why would they auto report people based on "suspicious phrases" based on an algorithm out of their own will? That's messed up.
2 days, 13 hrs ago
Yeah, it is a legal thing that hosting services are responsible for the content that users upload to the sites that they host which forces the sites to police their own users or get kicked off the servers.  To avoid that happening they often employ algorithms to try to spot users who may possibly be talking about illegal things and, at their discretion, forward that information to the authorities.  Maybe some mod teams are more inclined to report folks than others are, but it is always a safe bet to assume that they will do so out of self-interest if nothing else.
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Might be worth watching out for... idk though :|
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