As you might have heard, e621 suddenly, unexpectedly and unilaterally decided to change their rules due to what they claim is a "changing political landscape" affecting their "business partners".
The changes consists of banning and retroactively deleting everything with young/underage humans or humanoids in a sexual context(similar to the rules you'd have here in InkBunny), and they've implemented this by using a bot to wipe absolutely everything that collected the human,-humanoid, young, loli, shota or similar tags, affecting some 45,000 pictures.
I don't think i need to explain how much of a clusterfuck this all is and how badly it's gone down, because for a large proportion of those deleted pics, the human wasn't young, or presented sexually, or even really a human. I can confirm several of my pics are gone, many of them undully so as they were of an anthro character fucking or just being next to a human male. I'm looking into whatever steps need to be taken to fix this but just so you know, double and triple check your personal back ups for art, a lot of the stuff that got wiped was sourceless and now essentially lost media. My drawings are thankfully still up in the /co/ booru or NG or other mirror sites, but if you can't find one you can let me know.
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8 months, 1 week ago
13 Jul 2024 06:44 CEST