I'm not one to post these kinds of things on this account, but I've been playing TF2 for years now and it sickens me to see one of my favorite games of all time still be overrun by aimbots.
All I ask is that you please sign the petition at https://save.tf/ and spread the word as much as you can. We have nothing to lose by trying.
I have a render that I'd like to touch up more before posting, but it should be done soon.
thanks. Tf2 has been the community's game for years now. The requirement to fix the bot crisis is simple and wouldn't take too much work on Valve's part. if they don't want to support the game, fine but god damn it have some pride and fix your creation!
thanks. Tf2 has been the community's game for years now. The requirement to fix the bot crisis is si
I get that the source code is very confusing, but that's what Valve gets for having a company structure where anybody can work on anything. When you have too many hands in one pot, things are going to get messy. Actions have consequences, and this is the result of their mismanagement of the code. It's still their code though, so if anybody could work with it, it's them, and they absolutely should.
I get that the source code is very confusing, but that's what Valve gets for having a company struct
maybe not "hacked" per se but they've pretty much taken control over the main casual servers by filling up player slots and kicking all human players. The DDOS attacks, impersonations, racism, etc. from them also don't help much either.
maybe not "hacked" per se but they've pretty much taken control over the main casual servers by fill