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Story Update

Hello there,

I want to be transparent and keep everyone in the loop. I'm busy working on New Bangam Academy: New Horizons as we speak. I'm in the middle of outlining and getting its structure right. As I said before I'm working on quality over quantiny and that means slower uploads but better writing. I've never been much of a plotter in the past but I'm changing some of my process ot do more of that. That means that I'm outlining and structuring the story before going into major writing for it. Once I start writing it up things will be alot smoother.

I do not expect everything in the outline to make it to the story and for some things that were not in the outline to some how get in. Outlines are truly like guide lines rather than something written in stone. I like to stay loose while writing. I'm a Pansters by trade, I work very, very well when just sitting down and going to work. And that gets text on paper but it can also lead to reworking, getting lost and sometimes finding that something I did early in the story falls off when it shouldn't have. It also makes it harder to get the ending right too or even reach the ending. I don't want to put weeks, months even a year on the story and never finish it again. So I'm doing the hard part first this time and at least getting an outline done before starting the fun part.

I can't tell anyone the exact time that the first chapter will come out. I can tell you that the second draft of it is done. This is after creating three different versions of Chapter 1. Ya three versions of it exist. That is how much I want to make sure that the story that deserves to be told will be told.

Thanks for your patience as I work to get this story right. I will say that you will see these characters in a new light. The versions of them in the last story will not be the versions they are in this one to start. And that is a good thing, this gives them a chance to grow in new ways and not be constricted. I hope that when this starts being dropped you guys will enjoy reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
Viewed: 26 times
Added: 1 month ago
1 month ago
I approve of this new approach and eagerly await the final result.
1 month ago
Wow this sounds like a really interesting approach to writing your story will look forward to reading it once it’s ready
4 weeks, 1 day ago
I have rough idea for 5 and 6 Bangam Academy books: i want more Ruby and Radiance stories like how doing they things post-wedding and what ruby and Radiance relationship with their respective families, friends and enemies.

speaking of enemies, hey Lightsoul, another idea for overarching (true and real) villain of Bangam Academy (that should be defeated, killed for good and his grave will turned into public urinal which is something Meadow suggested she and her friends should collectively urinate and piss on traitor’s tombstone) is Karis the Darkai-turned-Umbreon
3 weeks, 6 days ago
Approved, looking forward to it..! Even if its new content, similar stories, or a re-imagined..
I'll be happy with whatever you put down~!
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