Well, after taking a rest after all that vacation, I can finally write down this journal entry. Anyway, like I've said, it's been a while since my parents and I actually went out for a vacation, but after all that excitement, I'm finally glad to have returned back home. Now I'll just need to make-up all those days I've missed since I was away. @_@
As mentioned before, my parents and I went to Taiping, Perak. (aka. My birthplace.) My parents loved Taiping. They used to visit this restaurant because they were selling chicken pies that my mother loved. Well, on the first day of arriving at Taiping, we headed towards that very restaurant, which is still open, even after all these years. However, they no longer sell pies anymore; the original owner had died a long time ago, and currently, his descendants are keeping the restaurant afloat. We had a nice fish filet for our lunch.
After that, we went to a hotel, and booked ourselves a room there. There's a very specific reason why we picked that hotel: it's because my parents' friend's wedding takes place within this hotel's ballroom, to be held the very next day. While the room service had been rather nice, I admit that I don't like their beds. >_o;; The pillows were the less soft kinds -- I ended-up waking up the next day with painful sensations at the back of my head and neck. I wished that they would instead use the very soft pillows that other hotels were using. But eh, that's just my nitpick.
So yeah, the next day arrives, and my parents and I finally attended the wedding in question -- the very reason why we went to Taiping in the first place. Had fun there; mostly just eat, eat, and eat some more, and basically having a good time. At least the foods were quite delicious.
After that, my parents and I went out to drive around Taiping for a bit... specifically, to visit our old family home. As a baby, this was my very first home. The home -- a small single-storey bungalow with a design unique from other houses -- all houses in this neighborhood do not share the same design with each other -- is currently unoccupied, and with nobody to maintain it, it's in a state of disrepair. x_o Though, someone did occasionally trim the grass around the house every now and then. To be fair, the state of disrepair was not as bad as the other abandoned houses around the neighborhood: there's one giant apartment that had clearly been completely abandoned for a long time, so all manner of plants had been growing inside it. Some of the other abandoned houses even had chunks of their roofs missing. Anyway, while my parents had deep nostalgia for this old home, I... honestly, I don't feel anything. =/ Mostly because, just as I barely turned one year old, my family moved out to another home then.
Next day after that was rather uneventful. We've had our final breakfast there, then we've checked out and made our way back home.
So yeah. Currently feeling tired from all that vacation, so it's probably best that I take a break from streaming on Twitch for a bit. But I'm glad to be back home. =3 Now, I'll just need to make-up for the days I've been away from my computer. I'll try and see if I can draw and post another picture soon, too.
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10 months, 1 week ago
19 May 2024 14:01 CEST