I'm still chugging along, putting together ideas and such for here. Been a little slower, lot of Life Stuff going on, but things have started to level out a bit, so I'm getting back into this more again.
And in trying new things (i need that sweet sweet dopamine, brain), I've started working on writing. Relatively short little pieces. It's... a challenge, but an interesting one. I have a rather commanding grasp of language and vocabulary, if I do say so myself, but things like natural-sounding dialogue, and transitioning from one thing to the next in a way that flows properly and neatly is hard. Brain comes up with these little perfect moments, but when i start typing its' like suddenly having to sift through a mountain of mud to find a single nugget.
I'll keep you guys updated, and I'm sure I'll have something fun up sooner rather than later.
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10 months, 1 week ago
04 May 2024 02:02 CEST