Do you guys know about Wakfu and Dofus?
This journal isn't the place to go into detail about either but long story short, I love Dofus: Aux trésors de Kerubim and Wakfu! So I do recommend both shows but you have to watch Dofus before Wakfu since Dofus is like a prequel...even if it sucks they had to cancel the other movies that were going to finish the plot of it Dofus. Maybe we would finally see what the fuck happened with Lou...but then again this journal isn't about that...
So...Wafku! Yes, I love it! Season 1 and 2 are among my favorite "non japanese" anime ever and I can easily recommend them to anyone (like Dofus). The thing is...they fucked up with season 3. I think it's pretty much universal by now that season 3 isn't even like bad but rushed AS FUCK. And that hurts the whole season 3 which really sucks. I don't know if it's known why that happened but I bet was the same thing that fucked the movies of Dofus, in other words, lack of a proper budget. It's a shame since Wakfu really deserved better.
People back then weren't even sure if it was going to get another season. And if it did, if it would be better than season 3. Well...we know the answers now.
Unfortunately, while season 4 is better than season 3 it still is quite rushed. And just like in season 3 that fucks the whole season. And not only that but it has some...weird pacing issues not to mention some plotholes. Maybe the worst ones are the ones that hurt the amazing world-building that they build in seasons 1 and 2. I will discuss some of those issues which I also noticed in many comments I've seen on the internet.
1 - Probably the most important question that season 4 left unanswered is what happened at Ingloriom? Everything is destroyed...the characters even ask the Eliatrope mother what happened and she refused to answer. It's so weird to see that since we know that she shouldn't had anything to do with it as she was sealed years ago and yet, not only the place is a wreck but all of the gods are nowhere to be seen.
That's weird as fuck since we know AT LEAST Ecaflip was around only a few hundred years ago thanks to seeing him in Dofus. So what happened? Where are the gods? It really feels like we should be dealing with this instead of the complete random threat of season 4: the Necromes.
2 - How exactly did Quilby escape? They explain in the season that the Eliatrope mother freed him. if she did that, the only way she could have done it is because she can literally create a portal to teleport there. And if she can do it so easily then the necromes are just not a threat. They even propose that idea and Mother is like no since we don't know how they're even here they can escape. Which...they shouldn't be able to since it seems only someone as powerful as her can open a portal to the White Dimension. And that being the case, once they found out it was all Nora's fault she should just be like oh then I can just create portals and trap them there be right back my kids. And she never does it. Come on...this is so fuking dumb that it kinda ruins the threat of the necromes since the Eliatrope Mother is just too OP and should solve this threat in one episode. But more on this later.
3 - Maybe this is a nitpick but how in the heck Chibi and Grougaloragran never met the rest of the family?! Not even Yugo who KNOWS where they are even think about bringing their brothers there! This is very fucked up! Did the writers just... forget about them? But that can't be because YUGO VISITS HIS ADOPTIVE FATHER! And they live with him! So this is absolutely baffling! Even if he for some reason doesn't want to bring them to their family you would think Mother Eliatrope would know they are alive and would want to meet them!!!
4 - In the series we never saw Mina but we do see Phaeris. And this is important because he is doing the same thing that Adamai does in season 3 which is being this anthro dragon hybrid thing. This shouldn't even matter...IF Mother Eliatrope didn't mention that dragons never take those forms, implying Adami was the first. But Pharies already did that. It just seems unlikely that the others never did that before. And speaking of Phaeris...
5 - WTF did...did Mother Eliatrope just forget about Balthazar?! And her OTHER children which for some reason Balthazar is watching over?! They were never mentioned by her or anything! Certainly, if she can open a portal to the white dimension she can open a portal to Emrub or something? Now that she is back why on Earth would Balthazar even need to continue to live there all by himself with the kids? That just doesn't make any sense! Unless the writers completely forgot about them.
6 - Where are the Mechasms? They are treated as this massive threat that even the Eliatrope at their peak couldn't defeat and had to do something as extreme as leave their home planet to another. And yet, they never show up in series. Instead, we got the Necromes.
7 - The Necromes power level is just broken as fuck. It's so weird how they are treated as this invincible threat but we never saw the characters try obvious solutions like you know...decapitate them? It doesn't matter how they can't be punched to death if you can do something like that right? Yes, maybe they're the kind of "zombie" who if decapitated can just grab their head, glue it back and act like nothing happened. But we never saw any character try stuff like that. And let's be real. IF those guys have bodies so hard that they can't be decapitated by a literal god like Tristepin...then the characters should have lost the battle in the last episode.
8 - Wtf was that with Nora and Efrim?! Since when one of the siblings can just control the other like that? And even if that was possible how on earth did Eliatrope Mother who can even sense when one of them dies somehow didn't notice that?
9 (big one here) - Maybe this is more a third season issue than this one which sucks since it shows how it hurts the show when one season fucks up. But soooo many plot stuff either dropped or rushed or barely addressed at all. For example, Amalia was going through an arc in the third season about basically she needs to be less of a bitch and accept Yugo as he is (you know how he looks younger than her). That is not only dropped but it's soooooo fucking convenient that Yugo now looks much older than she is thanks to what Necrome King did to him! And BTW this makes no fuking sense since we saw Yugo having his wakfu drained in season 1 and NOTHING happened to him. Now he gets older...because...reasons?
There's so much about this that I could go on but I will mention only a few that really bothered me: all the strong demi-gods introduced in season 3 just...literally ask Mother Eliatrope to leave them out of the plot of season 4 lol. Even if with their strength they would be useful as fuck in the battle against the Necromes! They have 0 reason to don't help since as the characters themselves say if the entire Sadida Kingdom falls then the entire world will fall. So why on Earth they don't ask for their help is beyond me.
In the same way whyyyyyy, oh why would Jovis show up to battle but leave his DEMI GOD adoptive kids out of the battle? Do they even know about the situation? I don't think so since I don't see them leaving Jovis leaving to a battle like this and doing nothing. Of all the characters in season 3 that should show up to the battle but didn't at least they alongside their troublesome (but hot) brother should be there. if for no other reason than because if the heroes lose that battle then it's the end of the world.
Speaking of character arcs that were either dropped or handled pretty badly...oh, poor, poor Ruel. You were done so dirty in those two seasons. I think it's obvious what they were going with your arc in season 3 but rushing it really fucked it up. It's nice you got a wife and all but what happened was just too fucked up. In the end she just..stole all your money, spends it and you are supposed to be fine with it. Which the Ruel we met and love in season 1 and 2 would NEVER be. In the very least you deserve to confront her but he just leave her be as he was this pathetic shell of his former self.
Don't even get me started with the whole thing with Flopin.
The wedding. Come on. So much stuff you guys need to do before you even think about getting married. Like you know...did you even TRY to look for Nora? Do you guys even know what happened to her and her brother?! This wedding was obviously done just because it would make the ending look cool regardless of making any sense (and it didn't). And besides, you really gotta wonder if Amalia would still want to marry Yugo if he looked like a kid. Good thing she doesn't have to worry about that anymore, eh!
The worst part is that some of that issue is only an issue because it's obvious they are leaving stuff to be dealt with in the next season. Which they announced will happen...manga in the form of a webtoon. So, not only did they rush another season AGAIN but they made sure to leave important stuff out just to deal with another season which they believe they can't even animate so it has to happen as a manga. This is just...urgh.
I still love season 1 and 2 and can easily recommend it. But...I'm not sure if I can recommend seasons 3 and 4. Even if it's not like they don't have good stuff in them (most of the battles for example were good, Yugo had great moments with Qilby, stuff like that) but they are just too weak compared to the first seasons. It is really a shame.
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10 months, 2 weeks ago
02 May 2024 15:19 CEST