I can't believe I have to say this... but Valve and Facepunch have lost there fucking minds...
Okay here's what happen... remember that PSA awhile back I posted? Well shit hit the fan on that front, Valve and Facepunch have fallen for the False DMCA take down requests and have now stated publicly that it was actually Nintendo. I am at a loss for words, of all of the bullshit that has thrown into this month alone, of all the bullshit that has been happening to the source engine community, this is the nuke.
The numerous amount of people that have poured there heart and soul into these games and software with art and creativity with the use of addons such as these with in the Gmod, TF2, L4D, and SFM communities. All of it... gone... poof... erased... reduced to atoms... and why? Because some little troll with a hard on for despising Nintendo related projects woke up one day in February just to see the Nintendo community burn to ash. And the nerve to actually say that it was actually Nintendo and ignore the addons that clearly were not Nintendo related proves that Valve does not know what they are fucking doing. I have never seen a company fuck up this bad since Volkswagen!
I have had to archive 33 addons today alone. I can't describe how absolutely livid I am right now, that I have had an epiphany. People have said that we should do another #SaveTF2 on the second anniversary, but I don't think its TF2 that needs to be save anymore because the state of Steam and Valve itself as this is much bigger than we ever thought it would get. This is no longer a #SaveTF2 situation, this is a #SaveValve situation... and Valve needs to be saved from itself. There is no point in being quiet anymore. We are in the Endgame now, and we need a miracle...
I am not going to ask you to do this, I am begging... Spread the word EVERYWHERE! Make the world know that this isn't Nintendo doing this but a Troll, and make your voice heard that Valve needs to Fix their policies and once they do, don't stop, keep going and make your voice louder and louder. The fate of Valve is on the line, the fate of Steam is on the line, and we are not going down without a fight.
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11 months ago
25 Apr 2024 06:21 CEST