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The Fem Custodes in my Grimdark

So this isn't something I have openly advertised here, but since around 2015, I finally got into Warhammer 40,000 after a virtual lifetime of brushing against it time and again, sometimes without actually realizing it (my first official introduction being at a game store I randomly walked into back in 2002). Only in recent years did I start actually digesting the lore and dumb retcons and everything related to GW that has happened since the very beginning. Good god, you think the Star Wars retcon was the worst thing ever...

Anyways, the main reason why I bring this up is because of a change in one of the armies that has gotten the fanbase riled up; the addition of females into the ranks of the Adeptus Custodes.

Brief overview, the Adeptus Custodes are the personal bodyguards of the Emperor and act as his confidants, companions, artists, poets, etc (back when he was still alive, anyways). They are genetically modified superhumans like the Space Marines, but much, MUCH better, and using a different method of creation. Each single Custodes is a unique and considerable investment in and of themselves, and there are roughly ten thousand of them.

There's also virtually nothing written about them if you exclude Constantin Valdor. The Custodes have only relatively recently begun to be mentioned in written material and weren't even a playable army until 8th Edition. That was seven years ago, now. It's described that they have basically been self-interred in the Imperial Palace for the past 10,000 years following the Emperor's almost-death, partly defending the Palace even as it collapses into a golden ruin after it was besieged, partly fighting a secret warfront against a daemonic incursion in the broken Webway underneath the Golden Throne.

All of this is made more galling in retrospect when there were stories written in the past that, due to the situation, should have at least mentioned the existence of the Adeptus Custodes. For example, during the first half of the War of the Beast, they aren't even given a mention even during narration within the Imperial Palace scenes, with the only guard described being members of the Imperial Fists. They aren't even present for any of the battles against the Beast, even as they have an attack moon LITERALLY OVER TERRA FOR SEVERAL WEEKS! Or the civil war that happened at the closing hours of the Age of Apostasy, when the precursors to the Sisters of Battle were embroiled in a full on war with several Legions right on the doorsteps to the Imperial Palace, not making an appearance until the very last minute to put an end to it, and that's after however many years Goge Vandire was being a frothing at the mouth lunatic.

I say all this to point out to anyone who has an issue with Fem Custodes, claiming that they haven't been mentioned before or that it breaks the lore... SOMEHOW. Warhammer lore has never been a sanctified, ironclad thing. It has constantly been written, unwritten and retconned many times over the years, with popular units squatted without reason or an adequate replacement, and an overemphasis on one singular faction (Space Marines) to the absolute abandonment of all others.

Honestly, the addition of Fem Custodes is barely a blip on the radar on the list of worst things ever compared to everything else they've ever done. Is it based on an agenda? Well, yes, probably, let's be honest, but let's also not pretend like Warhammer is some sacred ground completely divorced from our reality. It's a dark satire of Thatcher-era fascism run amok and then retroactively having lore built around it, and for a giant chunk of its run, it was basically a complete sausage fest in the wargame scene because of archaic beliefs that continue to pervade our culture, that women are supposed to be homemakers and childbearers and not play games. This extended many years ago to the game itself based on purchasing habits of the players themselves (and a decision by some executive), who weren't buying female models even though they were available, even when they were mixed in with male models in boxes, and then the lore was written around that when they effectively remade the setting back in third edition in the early 2000s. As a matter of fact, this mentality is so ingrained that you can't buy female models of Guardsmen or Admech (granted the latter it would be very difficult to tell, anyways), even though women are equally represented in both armies in the lore.

The point of all this is to explain that it serves no one to pretend like Warhammer should never change. It can change, it will change, it has to change and has in fact already changed. Do you know why those old movies have those warnings at the front now that basically say views and what was deemed acceptable were different back then? That's because times change, people change, and things must be able to adapt with them or else get left behind in the dustbin of history. And honestly, until about seven years ago, Warhammer was running about 13-17 years stagnant.

None of this is "woke"; that's a term people throw around casually to describe anything that is weird and scary to them because they don't recognize the changes happening in the world around them as they get older. Ultimately Warhammer won't change considerably because of this, or at all. There will just be female Custodes now, and Warhammer as a whole is now slightly less of a sausage fest and that's a good thing. Anyone who claims otherwise is full of shit and is peddling their own agenda, or is just afraid of change and forget how many retcons exist in the setting already that were far worse.
Viewed: 56 times
Added: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
10 months, 3 weeks ago
also the phrase "they have all ways been there" or "its all ways been this way" is used on repeat every single fucking time GW changes the lore, lets look at necrons they started out as a humongous personaltyless terminator army sent out by the c'tan every couple million years to harvest all life in the galaxy, then 6th editon rolls around and bam the necron phaeron have personality all a sudden different dynasties and they beat the shit out of the c'tan and GW said they have all ways been this way or in 4th edition when they added dudes to the howling banshees "there have all ways been some male members of the howling banshees you just don't see them because of the mask and the boob armor"
10 months, 3 weeks ago
i mean...most of us are pissed because it's just pandering for that sweet sweet black rock investment money and we don't really want that shit...

were never even gonna SEE female custode modals.

also they allredy HAVE female custode unites in the army it's called the sisters of silence same army, female modals.

they did this for blackrock money thats why fans are pissed it's yet more culture war crap in a hobby were it has no place. We just wanna warhammer, not worry about DEI
10 months, 3 weeks ago
No, get away from me with that shit. They did not just introduce this because Blackrock now owns (checks) 6.5% of shares? Even more asinine is pretending like they were ever the only outside investment group compared to all the others that would presumably also care about "muh DEI".

Let's also not pretend like this is a new thing. It's always been in Warhammer lore, one way or another. The difference is there is now a pseudo-industry of bad faith actors who can make a living off of "Rage against the woke".

Honestly, looking around not-Reddit and speaking with a few Custodes players? They seem to be more happy that the Custodes get something for a change.
10 months, 3 weeks ago
even if thats true.. and it's not (also blackrocks sister corp cowns another 6% so it's more like 12 or 13% of GWS) theres also Amazon pushing on shit for that live action show...

maybe it's jsut jumping at shadows.. but ive been told im "jumping at shadows" for YEARS now every time this crap "Slithers" it's way into a hobby I enjoy DX im not buying it any longer and nither are more and more of the silent majority each time it happends.

it's empty and stupid DX we wont ever get models based on it for pure logistical issues. SO it's only an empty lore rewright wich i wish to god they would treat better I dispise how much GWS fucks with there own lore DX

I really love 40k ^^ i dont play the tabletop beocuse I dont have 40 thousend DOLLARS XD but i enjoy the games, the table top RPG's the books and media...there was no point to this, were not mad it happened, were mad why it happened and how little it really adds just proves the point.

It's pointless virtue signulling.

you wanna do more fem shit Games workshop? im fine with it...do more with Sisters of Battle I fucking Love Sisters Seroritas.
10 months, 3 weeks ago
First off, did you read any of those citations I posted? Secondly, you might want to choose a different word other than "slither", because aside from making you look like the asshole here, that applies to you to other people.

Again, LGBT representation (even the T part; I had to look it up myself. She might be the same Sister you get as an HQ unit in Battlesector!) has always, ALWAYS, been in WH40K. And honestly? A few years ago, seven years ago, maybe more, nobody would have given a shit. It's only now that there are startup cottage industries of bald and ginger beard glasses podcasters and failed comedians around every corner that people have decided this is a hill worth dying on. On a foundation of sand, where everything in Warhammer gets retconned all the goddamn time, for better or worse.
10 months, 3 weeks ago
actually I DID and your making my point for me. What you linked had zero relevance to anything I'm talking about.

I at no point mentioned anything about LGBT+ stuff, at all, not once. YOU did!

I mentioned, that the only reason we HAVE Female custodes is becouse the lores air tight enough on female space marines that Games workshop couldn't really do much there without REALLY pissing people off. But they needed to SHOE HORN them into a  all male faction SOMEWHERE, never mind we have females in the Guard, the Inquisition, the sister of silence and sisters of battle, Think the fall out here is bad? wait and see what happens if they ever give us female space marines XD Hooo boy! I garantee you the Amazon shows gonna have a Custode Gender reveal or something cringe XD

You simply jumped the gun on my intent and linked an entirely irrelevant list of LGBT inclusion in Warhammer 40k I could not possibly care LESS whos GAY and Whos not in warhammer! XD infact the less romance in my Warhammer the better, gay, straight, or otherwise You keep that Slaaneshie filth to yourself Heretic!

Also WHAT sister are you talking about now? I diddent MENTION any Sisters of battle by name only that I LIKED them. XD

and yes I absolutely think "Slithered" is the correct verb to use beocuse I was not reffering to LGBT inclution in the Product wich IMO, who people want to fuck has 0 place in a game and setting about Cosmic Space Horror, Ultra Xenophobia and mind rending cosmic WAR but I mean for the sake of giveing the writers more material to work with I dont really care XD but it's telling you assumed this was somehow an attack on that. See Games Workshop IS getting there culture war on or you wouldent think I was going after something I couldn't be paid to give a shit about, and neck beards on youtube wouldn't need to get there nickers in a twist over gold plated custode vag!

What "slithered" into my hobby was yet MORE social credit BS so they can pander to amazon for there TV show and get that sweet sweet ESG score up higher! Games workshops ESG Score is actually kinda bad! and a lot of investors, many of them with ties to groups like backrock wich is an investment firm! wont invest if the ESG score is to high! high is BAD you want that LOW that means it's a Low Risk investment and whats ESG scored on?


the ESG acronym means  environmental, social, and governance score, it's literally a Social Justice credit rating XD

So this Pandering slithered in, because the investment capital they could earn is easy to get and up front much more then they would hope to earn from attracting lgbt people OR lose from pissing off neckbeards.

It's gross sell out empty pandering and THATS why it slithered in, it's covered in slime and game workshops Obsequious attempt to justify it is stupid. SO yeah neckbeards online want to die on this hill but I cant BLAME them. there not MAD about your precious LGBT presence! there trying to keep there favorite hobby from being whored out for investment cash at the cost of the hobby's integrity. It's a slope that's hard to stop sliding down.

So don't test me XD YOU put that LGBT Argument foreword not me! I'm talking about shit that if you actually care about the hobby first and were worried a lot less about weather or not the Alphabet people are included, you would probably find more offensive BECOUSE were both in that acronym. I don't WANT Empty pandering to show how inclusive a Corporation can be.

Is it a HUGE deal that we have female custodes? No not really and it would be far less of one if it had been that way from the beginning as you say but it WASNT theres not a SINGLE modal a single bit of art a single passage in the lore they are the SONS of the nobles of Terra XD does it matter much? no Is it GW whoreing there baby out? yes.

this isent An issue of gate keeping the girls and the queers out! as youve said thats never been an issue.

It's a issue of principle.
10 months, 1 week ago
Maybe I did jump the gun a bit on going straight to LGBT representation, but my point still stands that the same people screaming about Fem Custodes would also lash out against LGBT characters did they know they also exist in the setting. And while you're obsessing over the ESG score, adding Fem Custodes to the roster of what is basically a toy line doesn't budge the needle... like, at all, when ESG is based on the REAL LIFE WORK ENVIRONMENT, not the shit they sell!

And for the record, GW for all their many issues, has been hovering around low risk in their ESG rating for more than a few years now, with the worst years being in the mid-New Tens and even then it was like... a few points' difference. And the inclusion of Fem Custodes wouldn't do much to adjust that in either direction that LGBT representation in the lore didn't already do... again, if it even applied in the first place, which it fucking doesn't.

As I said before, literally no part of Warhammer lore is sacred or ironclad. The lore we know about today is itself a retcon of an older lore (where Female Space Marines were canon! But nobody bought them... 30 years and a completely different generation of demographic ago.). Necrons were originally mindless zombie robots. That was retconned twice over, turning into mindless zombie robot slaves of the C'tan to FORMER slightly sentient (depending on power level) slaves of the C'tan now using their shards to summon them like a Final Fantasy eidolon. Squats were retconned twice (deleted then brought back), Primarchs were retconned (look up Rogue Trader-era Leman Russ for some lulz), Malal was retconned; even key bits of the Horus Heresy were retconned so the Primarchs are technically pseudo-daemons and the Emperor (Whose real name is Neoth or "Newman") supposedly knew Horus and half of his sons would betray him before he even began the Primarch project. To say nothing of The Angel/Primarch Zero. Also there's a Mom Emperor; that was also retconned in at some point and she was supposedly responsible for casting the Primarchs out to the different corners of the galaxy before going into hiding somewhere on Terra and then getting permakilled with an athame.

And again, we're already neck deep in the realm of there are no female IG models even though females exist within the IG in no small number. There aren't cat people, either (abhumans, like Ogryns and Ratlings), and believe it or not those also exist in the IG, also in no small (albeit not galaxy-spanning) number.
10 months, 1 week ago
Do you know what hurts the game most? Rules being obsolete in Codices and needing an errata before they even hit store shelves. Before they get finished printing! The fact that GW's marketing tactics caused Space Marines to be the "protagonist" faction, with everyone else, Xenos, Traitor and even other Loyalist factions like IG and Admech, to be either the NPC or dedicated villain factions. Apparently it's difficult to push anything else because no one initially got the same love and attention the Space Marines got all those years ago (save for the Orks, but they're a special case), and so Space Marines is literally all the public really knows about Warhammer, and so that's all that actually sells. Hell, apparently Black Library authors fight to get to write the Space Marine books specifically because those sell better than any of the others. Loyalist Space Marines, specifically, and Ultramarines even more so; CSM doesn't get the same love or attention most of the time by either party. That's fine enough if it's just story, but unimaginably toxic when you're making a physical, costly army that players are meant to invest into and play on both sides. Doubly so if said army becomes invalid and you end up with legacy units. Like what happened to the Sisters of Battle several editions ago that they have still never fully recovered from.

How bad is it? It's so bad that I once joked that within a few years GW will just remake the setting to be about Ultramarines vs. Dark Ultramarines; effectively turning Warhammer into a Halo deathmatch setting.

Even being Space Marines is honestly not a fun experience, because several years ago when the Primaris Marines were introduced (a sloppy introduction that was not wholly approved even within GW and the Black Library), it meant everyone had to basically go out and buy what was effectively a whole new army because of all the new units that suddenly dropped, making most of the old units (Firstborn) more or less obsolete and completely removed from 9e and 10e. And the new Space Marines armies are actually three different armies in a trenchcoat because of the dumb way Primaris/Firstborn Marines are differentiated and how HQ units and transports work, and you can't just go Firstborn only because of the way the new edition rules work; you basically end up with less than half of an army. How does that logistically work for armies that were, for example, stuck behind enemy lines (or on the other side of the Great Rift, or IN IT!) for centuries, if not millennia? Doesn't matter; they have Primaris Marines now, too.

Let's not talk about everyone's reaction to the sloppy way Primaris were introduced into the story, both in lore and even within GW and the Black Library.

This doesn't even go into GW being hostile to Warhammer content creators (they directly caused the death of TTS, AKA likely why the lore finally progressed into M42 after 17 years of stagnation and why a huge chunk of the new generation of players got into Warhammer in the first place!) So no, Fem Custodes is far, FAR from the worst thing ever to happen to Warhammer; it's just become yet another battleground for anti-SJWs to have a bitchfit over the smallest of changes in a setting that is literally nothing BUT changes, and with far worse issues than the extreme abundance of sausage fests across every faction that doesn't have "Sisters" in their name.
10 months, 1 week ago
i was not a fan of the pirmaris when they came out EITHER it's just stupid.

as for the culture war crap...at some point you have to stand your ground and say NO I dont want all this crap in my hobby and beleave you me ive seen it creep into to meny of mine so All i'm saying is, you can hate on the people who are on watch for SJW crap or femcustodes, but I at least, understand WHY they feel the way they do and at the end of the day? it has nothing to do with who does or does not have a vagina in a tactical battle game.
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