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Predators of 2023

This Vore Data corresponds to each individual Predator I’ve encountered within the calendar year of 2023, including multiple predators by the same owner (player), or each form a predator has the ability to change into.
In regards to physical or relational attributes, many predators apply to multiple categories, resulting in larger numbers.

Vore Count Archive

2023 saw:

+11341 Page Visits
+88 Submissions Posted
+240 Comments Received
+337 Comments Given
+10 Journals Written
+2512 Favorites Acquired
+56 New Watchers
+74 Accounts I Watched
+101 Twitter Followers
+75 Twitter Accounts I Followed
+ Raffles Entered
+ Raffles Won
- Raffles Lost
+ Art Drawn (TBD)

In 2023 I was

Eaten 249 Times. (34 times more than 2022)
By 115 Different Predators. (25 Predators more than 2022)
Controlled By 92 Different Players.
Eaten Most in MARCH. (39 Times)
Eaten Least in SEPTEMBER. (5 Times)
Eaten in ART (31 Times)
Eaten in RPs (218 Times)

Vore Monthly Data
MARCH + 39
APRIL + 20
MAY + 21
JUNE + 19
JULY + 17

Hungriest Species: REPTILES
Least Hungry Species: Several

Individual Players: 92
Random NPC Preds (usually from artwork): 3

Male Predators: 109
Female Predators: 6

Preds by Build:
Anthro Predators: 77
Feral Predators: 38
Slim Predators: 8
Standard Build Predators: 42
Buff Predators: 40
Musclegut Predators: 15
Big Belly Predators: 10

Preds by Size:
Smaller Predators: 1
Same Size Predators: 34
Large Predators: 58
Macro Predators: 21
Titan Predators: 1

Relationship Breakdown
Acquaintance Predators: 53
Adorable Predators: 8
Best Friend Predators: 6
Daddy Predators: 15
Dominant Predators: 56
Friend Predators: 36
Himbo Predators: 7
Master/Owner Predators: 17
Pet Predators: 3
Pred Crushes: 35
Shy Predators: 6
My Predators: 4

Predators by Color
Pink + 3
Red + 9
Orange + 12
Yellow + 6
Green + 12
Blue + 10
Purple + 6
Brown + 18
Black + 17
Gray + 10
White + 21
Hungriest Color WHITE

58 Predators Ate Me Once.
18 Predators Ate Me Twice.
7 Predators Ate Me Thrice.
6 Predators Ate Me 4 Times.
3 Predators Ate Me 5 Times.
2 Predators Ate Me 6 Times.
0 Predators Ate Me 7 Times.
1 Predator Ate Me 8 Times.
1 Predator Ate Me 9 Times.
0 Predators Ate Me 10 Times.
3 Predators Ate Me Over 10 Times.

Vore by Country
Countries & States/Provinces are only supplied by Preds who willingly offer them to me or display them on their profiles, therefore the numbers are not exact, but the closest definable figure.

Australia + 4
- New South Wales + 1
- Queensland + 0
- Adelaide + 0
Brazil + 0
Canada + 10
- Alberta + 0
- British Columbia + 2
- Ontario + 7
- Newfoundland + 1
Columbia + 1
Denmark + 0
France + 0
Germany + 4
Mexico + 0
Netherlands + 2
New Zealand + 1
Norway + 4
Paraguay + 0
Poland + 0
Spain + 2
South Africa + 0
UK + 2
USA + 66
- Alaska + 1
- Arizona + 1
- California + 5
- Colorado + 0
- Connecticut + 1
- Delaware + 1
- Florida + 3
- Georgia + 2
- Illinois + 2
- Indiana + 1
- Iowa + 4
- Kentucky + 0
- Louisiana + 2
- Maryland + 1
- Michigan + 3
- Minnesota + 1
- Missouri + 0
- Nebraska + 1
- New York + 4
- North Carolina + 2
- Ohio + 1
- Oregon + 1
- Pennsylvania + 8
- South Carolina + 0
- Tennessee + 0
- Texas + 6
- Utah + 2
- Vermont + 1
- Virginia + 0
- Washington + 0
- Wisconsin + 1

Hungriest Country: United States
Hungriest State: Pennsylvania (8 times)

Predator Species
Aquatics + 4
Avian + 1
Bovines + 1
Bugs + 0
Canines + 5
Cervine + 0
Digimon + 1
Equines + 2
Felines + 9
Hybrids + 11
Hyaenidae + 1
Lupine + 17
Macros + 10
Marsupial + 3
Monsters + 9
Pokémon + 1
Primates + 11
Reptiles + 37
Rodents + 1
Swine + 0
Taur + 1
Ursine + 3
Vulpine + 5
Other + 5

Species Breakdown
Aliens + 1
Alligators + 2
Armadillo + 1
Bats + 1
Badgers + 0
Birds + 1
Eagle + 0
Owl + 0
Bears + 3
-Black Bears + 0
-Brown Bears + 1
- Pandas + 0
- Red Pandas + 1
- Polar Bears + 1
Boar + 0
Bull + 0
Cats + 2
Cerberus + 0
Cheetah + 0
Crocodile + 1
Deathclaw + 1
Deer + 0
Demons + 2
Digimon + 1

Dinosaurs + 6

Allosaurus + 1
Ceratosaurus + 1
Indominus + 0
Mossasurus + 1
Raptor + 1
Spinosaurus + 1
Trex + 2

Dogs + 5
- Beagle + 1
- German Shepherd + 1
- Labrador + 1
- Husky + 2

Dragons + 24
Fox + 4
Ghosts + 0
Gnolls + 1
Goo + 1
Gorilla + 2
Horses + 2
- Mare + 1
- Stallion + 1
- Unicorn + 1
Hog + 0
Humans + 6
Hyenas + 1
Jackals + 0
Kangaroo + 3
Kobold + 1
Koopa + 0
Kroxigor + 0
Lemur + 1
Leopards + 1
Lions + 2
- Hrothgar + 1
Lizards + 0
Lynx + 1
Minotaur + 1
Monkey + 2
Monsters + 5
- Leathersaur + 1
- Behemoth + 2
- Kaiju + 1
- Shadow + 1
Moogle + 0
Moose + 0
Nagas + 0
Nomsune + 1
Ogres + 0
Opossum + 0
Orcs + 0
Otters + 0
Plush + 0
Pokémon + 1
- Blaziken + 0
- Charizard + 1
- Growlithe + 1
- Greninja + 0
Porcupine + 0
Rabbits + 2
Reindeer + 0
Rexouium + 1
Rhino + 1
Robot + 1
-Synth + 1
Sergals + 0
Sharks + 2
Snakes + 1
Snep + 0
Spider + 0
Taluthus + 1
Tanuki + 0
Tigers + 2
Walrus + 0
Weasel + 1
Werecat + 0
Whales + 2
- Blue + 1
- Orcas + 1
Wolves + 16
- Direwolves + 1
- Werewolves + 5
Unknown + 3
Zebra + 0
Zorgoia + 0


1st Predator arterian21 arterian21
50th Predator Khael Khael
100th Predator iskan iskan
150th Predator iskan iskan
200th Predator Grimsaurus Grimsaurus

Last Predator of 2023 iskan iskan

TOP 10 Predators
Hungriest Predator Grimsaurus Grimsaurus + 27

Quarter Cravings
iskan iskan + 25

Dozen Dinners/Twelve Delves
JettAilchu-92 JettAilchu-92 + 12

Nine “Mine!”
josprehistoric josprehistoric + 9

Eight Ates
arterian21 arterian21 + 8

Six-Pack Aways
Lyute Lyute + 6
Octaviouswolf Octaviouswolf + 6

Quint Stints
c00ldude19 c00ldude19 + 5
WildEdgeStudios WildEdgeStudios + 5
ZakxuRyugen ZakxuRyugen + 5

Quad Cravings/Four Course Meals
Dragonfood + 4
frostofthecwsw + 4
KonniFox + 4
MrDarkSeed + 4
Sharkie626 + 4
voredude25 + 4

Triple Threats
Conall312 + 3
Khael + 3
meteonyker + 3
recon985 + 3
Rexisgoldeneye + 3
smokeygraypaws +
StageManager6 + 3
thekster93 + 3
Double Devourings/ Two Time Tasters
AidanEats + 2
Bunsen.Dragon + 2
chaosspino + 2
chrispywolf + 2
ChristopherDavies + 2
flayer325 + 2
GarryxTheFox + 2
HuzNordstrom + 2
inkyqilin + 2
LeonValen + 2
meowmix6 + 2
Shadowkeeper + 2
SpaceUnicornSammy + 2 (see also zekromslover18)
Synizer + 2
Talon + 2
Vinderex + 2
WerewolfJaro + 2
wolfmonkey + 2
wolfydarkfang + 2
zekromslover18 + 2 (see also SpaceUnicornSammy)
One Gulp Wonders/Taste Testers
ahc987 + 1
arandomrandom + 1
ayrrenth + 1
Berserktigershark + 1
4th Calling Bird + 1
blueberrywoofer + 1
Brutusamb + 1
cainhiryu + 1
DerpyDadth + 1
Dockyo + 1
FortunaNox (Fortuna Altillis) + 1
fossekall + 1
fusionthefolf + 1
Eagleman106 + 1
FahzTheGorilla + 1
FenrisMau + 1
Final3cho + 1
Gamerfurrythatlikesvore + 1
Grandolf + 1
Godofpredators + 1
hdjackill + 1
InkwellDino + 1 (Account no longer exists on Telegram)
JaydenTacomaGDI + 1
@ Jd5557 + 1
Master_Link246 + 1 (no longer exists on Twitter)
MinotaurGarth + 1
MintMonkey + 1
Mister-D + 1
MrCellophane + 1
Mrsheparoo + 1
Mr-Teriyaki + 1
Pencer + 1
Pike + 1
Raave + 1
RazorDragon117 + 1
shadowblade945 + 1
Shorty + 1
silvermarten + 1
SkeleSabiArtist + 1
SkyBoxMonster + 1
sukafox13 + 1
Surf + 1
TalaWoof + 1
thearmadilloking + 1
Theo Fluffy Demon + 1
WeregarurumonX + 1
whiplashsnake + 1
WhiskeyPup + 1
Wildside + 1
WSTiger + 1
Yharim + 1

Future Delicious Titles
Seven Belly Heaven
Ten Men
Eleven Stomach Revel’n
Thirteen Lucky Noms[/i]
Viewed: 3 times
Added: 11 months ago
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