Please review my Commission Guide before you ask for a Commission! Commission Guide and Prices :
For those who are unaware, I've been taking commissions more regularly these past few months, but I've been exclusively doing so on my Twitter. I've been meaning to branch out and reserve some slots for everyone on here though, cause I know not everyone uses or follows me on Twitter. (I don't blame you) I've had people ask me on here lately as well, so I think now is about time I get my diap wet and open for some on here finally. ;><
Anyway, for right now, I'll just be taking 2 slots for the first two people who PM/DM me on here who are interested! I'll edit this journal when the 2 slots are taken. In the future I'll try to open up for more than 2 on here, and if the demand for commissions on here is greater than I anticipate, then I may implement a drawing/raffle/lottery system like how I've been handling it over on my Twitter. (Trying to make it more fair for everyone ;><) With that said, if you miss the slots on here, you can always check out my Twitter and see if you can snag a slot there!
I hope that covers everything, but do let me know if you guys have any questions or anything and I'll do my best to get back to everyone. Thank you so much in advance for all your support! ;^^