I love Keanu, but I was hoping for Jason Griffith. Also, this creates a paradox because in the Sonic 1 movie, Maddie and Tom are watching Speed for movie night, so not only is Keanu voicing Shadow, but Keanu is established to be a real person in this universe.
I love Keanu, but I was hoping for Jason Griffith. Also, this creates a paradox because in the Sonic
This would only be an immersion-breaking paradox if Shadow spoke in nothing but quotes from Speed, John Wick, and Bill&Ted.
Have you ever answered the phone and identified the other caller by voice, only to find out it was someone else? Bottom line, some voices sound similar, to where you might mistake two people for each other if you had your eyes closed.
This isn't like the Genie from Disney's Aladdin being a fountain of modern pop culture references. (Some people put forth the series that the Aladdin movies are in a post-apocalyptic Earth. I however believe that the Genie, being a supernatural being, does not experience time the same way humans do. In a way the Genie is much like another blue-skinned being who wields PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER, Doctor Manhattan: "We are all puppets, I just happen to be able to see the strings." Genie sees all time at once, so he knows Jack Nickleson, and he sees ALL the atrocities of WWI and WWII. With the knowledge of all Man is capable of inflicting, is it any wonder he fell so far into using humor as a defense mechanism he turned into Robin Williams hopped up on Monster energy drinks.)
This would only be an immersion-breaking paradox if Shadow spoke in nothing but quotes from Speed, J