To begin with, here's a little background on my relationship with the game. I sort of jump started my "career" with the game when obsidian flames was pre-released. The only other experience prior was with an unofficial client and I barely touched the new stuff. Of course when I decided to get more serious with the game after pre-release, I picked up a league battle deck and worked on making modifications every now and again. It's hella crazy tryna keep up with multiple hobbies but suffice to say I've made a return to card collecting that I haven't engaged in many years prior. Anyway, it's been locals and the odd event here and there. At one event, there weren't a lot of people willing to play and those that did weren't quite prepared for the standard format decks I've built. Save for that, I'm not exactly hot shit compared to the rest. With that said, let's go over how all the regional matches went.
Match 1:
For my 1st match, I VS'd a lugia Vstar deck. Forget cooked, I got deep fried in the match. I think I made a mistake adding 2 switch carts to the deck as opposed to a full set of switches. On an unrelated note, apparently I could've brought in outside food and/or drink.
Match 2:
Well I got a bah'tle of wat'uh before the game just in time. This match was against lost box. Of course they have the zard killer in their deck along with the usual suspects. I think game 1 was a close but no cigar scenario and game 2 was also pretty close. I about had the judge called on me for idle conversation/slow play. I dunno if my opponent was zooted out or just lacking sleep but I wish I were zooted rn.
Match 3:
This game was a mirror match. Zard v Zard. Game 1 was a brick fest. I don't think I made any impactful moves. Game 2 was another blowout. With 2 Zards prized, I was up shit creek w/o a paddle. I was lucky to even get 3 prizes.
Match 4:
Another mirror(?) match for this one. It technically was but my opponent appeared to have control tech. Decking out sure is a hell of a way to lose. Unfortunately I couldn't secure a draw this match so that's another L on my record. At least I managed to do a clean professor's research.
Match 5:
I'm at round 5 and... my opponent is a no show? At this point, I'll take what I can get. Unfortunately I didn't get that kind of luck again. As the rounds continued, this seemed to be a recurring phenomenon to the point where spots and whole tables started to be empty.
Match 6:
Chien Pao... My worst nightmare. I guess greninja is the real perp here but you get the idea. Holy shit I've got to be worst charizard user here. I either have to rebuild it or retire it and find a better deck to play.
Match 7:
And it's another mirror match. Seeing the skwovet-bibarel combo made me wish I built my online version instead of what I had going. My opponent appeared to be new to this regional thing and maybe the game to some extent. I was tempted to call the judge on them for slow play but I wasn't exactly keeping track of the turn length and I won game 1 anyway. Game 2 was an absolute blowout for me and game 3 didn't really matter since we went into time anyway and tied. And before I forger, another clean research this match.
Match 8:
This match was against a Gardevoir ex deck. That damn balloon and caveman puffball are the absolute death of me. Suffice to say it will be a "can't beat 'em, join 'em" for this deck too. I just gotta find the deck in store 1st. It didn't matter if my hand was passable since they kept Iono-ing me. It's the one time you don't want to be ahead on prizes.
Match 9:
Final match and it's.... Another gardy deck. I have a question for god; Why?!?!?! Melodrama aside, it was another bout of close games. Even though this was my 3rd and final draw, it was extremely satisfying to boss for game.
Post Game thoughts:
A card game anime protagonist I am not. Yeah, with a record of 1-5-3, it's safe to say staying another day is out of the question. FWIW, it was a fun experience overall but it's hard to say I wanna do it again. It's like TLC once said: "Don't go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the lakes and the rivers that you're used to." But since there appears to be a NAIC coming up, I might have another trip planned. Although I dunno if I wanna make a real deck for it or a real goofy deck. In terms of questionable financial decisions at the regional, I spent $40 in total on 5 cards; a mew EX for $20, life dew for $15, both stages of hisuian goodra 5 for $2 each, and a tm devolution for $1. Call it coincidence, fate, or whatever but an opportunity to get more cards for mew world order doesn't present itself often. As for the cheap cards, there's definitely a sleeper deck I could crib a list for.
For the post game, I decided to eat my feelings at taco bell. I got one packet of diablo sauce for every W I failed to secure(yes, I'm counting draws as failed W's) because I'm a serious glutton for punishment and wanted to feel it tonight and ij the morning. After arriving home, I had a package waiting for me. It wasn't a huge surprise as I knew it would be waiting for me since I ordered it. With yet another questionable financial decision to come home to, we'll see if the circles of hell were worth the wait. To quote Pulp Fiction: "Yeah, we happy." I was hoping for a gold but I say fuck a gold 'cuz I got me a rainbow rare. I have no idea what kind of policies the upcoming venue will have but hopefully I can bring my own food in this time if allowed. And maybe being zooted is an option too. Maybe I could run a stop watch for my games next time. As promised, I'm off to drink the night away.
Random Stats:
This is by no means definitive but rather a fun tally of things at the event.
2 Clean Professor's Researches.
About 5 close games that resulted in a loss.
One loss by deck out.
1 judge call and a missed opportunity to call a judge.
1 celeb encounter with a photo op and autograph.
1 attempted participation in an interview
Broke one person's mewing streak
No sightings of Tricky Gym, AzulGG or LittleDarkFury(but he was there and made it to day 2)
About a few thousand stuffed animals for sale, brought in by players, and on the judges.
Maybe a dozen pokemon onesies.
A couple dozen funny and interesting cosplays with at least two Marnies.
A surprising amount of nanoblock and mega construx rep for prizes.
Loads of sleeves, mats, and deck boxes for sale.
0 of 8 side events attended.
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11 months, 2 weeks ago
14 Apr 2024 07:26 CEST