New neuroscientific research on dogs provides evidence that they visualise words the same way that humans do. This is a big step forward for understanding how dogs process human language as most previous studies have relied purely on behavioural outcomes. My newest piece on Flayrah.
well yea, but dogs were allready known to be smart too before this test. can't do math but sure as hell can know how to interact with a trainer. They even develop hobbies like murdering fish for fun, wholesome nature moment ^w^. oh yea i found this journal through a rabbit hole of research and found you in comments and ended up here just so you know! maybe you'll have that thing happen that famous people have where they get canceled due to the ''racist'' thing they tweeted 10 years ago.
Rakuen wrote:
Dolphins are already known to be really smart.
well yea, but dogs were allready known to be smart too before this test. can't do math but sure as h