What up my fellow furnizens
With my birthday just around the corner, I've decided to try and draw more.
My motivation and energy are still extremely low, unfortunately. So, instead of attempting to create full pinups, I'm going to be mostly doodling. And whatever complete pieces I make that I'm satisfied with, I'll collage them into a collection and upload here for any of the discerning individuals here that may like them.
I'm still working a lot on my life and drawing is one of those hobbies that is keeping me sane.
For now, I'm just trying to refind my rhythm.
Other changes:
In the spirit of change, I've revised my old hanko stamp and will be using a new one in a more traditional style for stamping my works to signify I am the creator and sole possessor.
My older pieces of art will likely be re-uploaded eventually with the new stamp. We'll see.
I'll also be "rebranding" to "Tomoko the Yōjo" [ 妖女の智子 ], to be more congruent with the themes and styles I'll be using with my bigger, more completed pieces. Which will eventually have stories attached to them.
For the time being, most of my stuff is going to be rather unspecific. And my profile may not have much of a theme to it for a while. I understand a lot of you prefer profiles having themes, especially erotic themes. But, for the time being, I'm just trying to manage my energy and motivation so I continue to actually enjoy drawing. Especially because I'm still pretty shit at it!
But, with time, more will be posted. And I may eventually also post some erotic stuff.
Time will tell.
For now, though, thank you for reading. <3
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11 months ago
04 Apr 2024 21:49 CEST