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Paypal has paused all my payments (hec)

So as I sort of anticipated, PayPal has proven to once again be a difficult platform to receive payments for, since if you receive over $300 in one month through them, they put your money on pause and investigate your business. This wouldn't normally be an issue, except I am a porn artist, and it's kind of a difficult topic to discuss with them. Obviously I can't show chats with my commissioners, nor the commissions themselves, so I wouldn't be surprised if they end up banning my account all together really soon.

So in the mean time, we'll try and continue with the current que of commissions and hope we can use CashApp while I see if PayPal chooses to fuck me on this or not. I know there are theoretically other services that can perform the same function, but between the level of information many of them require to actually get paid, and the amount of patrons who don't use anything other than paypal, I'm not confident in them. I have considered a subscribestar system, since one could theoretically 'Tip' an artist there the cost of their commission, but to have that option, the patron needs to already be subscribed to you and I'm not comfortable having to ask people to subscribe to even a monthly dollar plan just to pay me for their work.

I'm unsure how commissions are going to work in the future after this particular queload, but I'll try and keep yall updated. If worst comes to worse I may need to bite the bullet and start drawing some, *shudder*, NON CUB WORK


Okay apparently PayPal has a policy against its service being used to pay for porn of any kind? If so, then I think this is it for my inkbunny. I can't receive money through any other method consistently, and have lost lots of money in the past because people couldn't pay me without paypal.  
Viewed: 213 times
Added: 2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 1 week ago
You can make some version of sfw arts of nsfw ones, and show that (not every - bus some of them at least?)
2 months, 1 week ago
Tell your commissioners not to use any words related to furry stuff, porn, inkbunny, etc in messages on paypal
2 months, 1 week ago
I don't think they message me at all in paypal, so I don't believe that's an issue. I speak with the commissinoers through here and telegram
2 months, 1 week ago
Don't they ever send the small info text thing that comes with the pay, eg "fluffyguy123 from telegram" or "diaper commission" or "ych" or whatever?
2 months, 1 week ago
yes but they never say anything weirder than like "art piece"
2 months, 1 week ago
Hm, I never had such problems nor was any money paused... even if it was more than $500 🤔
2 months, 1 week ago
It's a recent bill that was recently passed in the US to tax people using online services for their side businesses, and confirm that the transactions are legitimate and not illegal. Here's the quote directly from PayPal regarding my holds

All the funds from your monthly sales above $300.00 USD will be held for up to 21 days because:

    We need to learn more about you and your business, such as sales details and consumer service history.

So idk what to tell ya, unsure why you're not dealing with it.
2 months, 1 week ago
Ah fuggg, you litterally put 'erotic art' in your store description (just checked the link for the last comm I got)

2 months, 1 week ago
yea since the site required me to link a 'store page' (which is just a twitter handle I don't use), and I anticipated a potential investigation down the line that would likely request client and product info, I figured it made most sense simply to call it erotica so that I could explain why I wouldn't share any personal info of the clients, but could still show censored or SFW furry art just to get through the potential investigation.
2 months, 1 week ago
Honestly, doing some SFW work isn't a dumb idea. I've known some artists that do SFW stuff officially and just did NSFW on the side. It's probably the best way to get around this as I highly doubt anyone will build a "kinky payment service" anytime soon. It's just how modern society is. People (and most specifically companies) are ashamed of supporting anything sexual, even more for anything "taboo" like cub art. So unless all of society can be changed, it's unlikely this'll be resolved any other way.

That said, it'd be a shame to see you just stop doing art, I've enjoyed seeing your stuff. :(
2 months, 1 week ago
It's not out of the question to have safe for work stuff as a cover. The issue I have with that is the fact that it greatens my digital footprint. I don't want attention online, or at least no more than I need just to complete the commissions I get you know? Having a SFW blog brings in attention from SFW furries and I just dread the idea of that. Plus the inevitable facade of pretending I don't have a NSFW blog with cubs when using my SFW blog is probably more stress than I can handle.
2 months, 1 week ago
I wish you luck with this. My PayPal was banned out of nowhere last year, and shortly after, they banned every single account my name or bank was attached to. Even my Venmo that was only used to send money to friends when we go out for food. Lost 3 PayPal accounts + the Venmo and my bank/debit card are blacklisted too, so I can't use them to pay invoices. All because they either found I draw porn, or someone reported it. Moving away from PayPal will be the best thing you can do regardless.
2 months, 1 week ago
From my past experience with them, its more on they're not trust you yet as a seller so they put the money on hold incase of charge back.
Its annoying af but eventually they will up your threshold if you prove you can keep your stream steady and no one complain (which basically involves doing nothing more)
2 months, 1 week ago
Btw they only pause it after a certain amount of each month, so it would reset on the first day of the next.
You shouldnt have to worry about being paused indefinitely.
2 months, 1 week ago
Damn, it seems Paypal is getting more complicated.... I hope the worst doesn't happen. Best of luck!

Oh! Dumb question but, have you tried Kofi? You can adress the commissioner and let them give you a SFW description there while the rest of the details are in Telegraph. Then again, you most likely already tried that.

Once again, best of luck!
2 months, 1 week ago
Not a dumb question at all. The major problem is just if I can get other people to use other services, which thus far I have been completely unable to. Mostly due to international issues getting accounts with these services. I'm sure there's some like KoFi that might have decent enough patronage that it would be a worthwile transition, and right now the various solution paths afforded to me feel like they are all frail roads with big vulnerabilities and risks. This is especially true since that most involve me having a stronger digital footprint like a SFW twitter or store page, and I've gotten enough death threats here from people (mostly people mad that I don't draw girls), that I don't think I have the mental strength to deal with all that.
2 months, 1 week ago
The bit about death threats is both problematic and absolutely asinine.... Well, you are both well informed and smart, I am sure you can find a path forward without PayPal. But I recommend you still try to add a payment method other than CashApp, most people will simply be happy to have a second choice for payment ^^
2 months, 1 week ago
My PayPal got banned for art too. They are terrible. Look into waveapps.com
2 months ago
I recently decided to close my PayPal account that has been open for many many years because they started blocking my transactions. I'm not sure what went wrong where there, but I also closed a line of credit that I'd had open with them that one would think they'd have stopped using my dead name for given the records for the main account had long been updated, but they made providing supporting documentation to them damn near impossible. I'm simply refusing to use them anymore. There are many other options.

Don't you give in. Find a way.
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